Separate names with a comma.
he got it going and has left us here!!! waiting !!! I`m off for a fag...see thee in a minute or two. let me know how he got on please
What if he comes back and says error code 37.7 ????
looks like you KEEP left button pressed till after EF1 code comes up. I like "copy paste" only knew how to do it last month...old git. Oh I`d keep...
Ive copied these from this site searching for "error codes" To get the codes up you need to pres the left hand button on the clock assembly and...
DID you take time out to have a cup of TEA then? BIG CHRIS? always helps me...and I`m not GUY MARTIN...wish I was young
could need a new battery, put you started it once! you do know the starter is "servo assisted" or the like. So should you push starter ONCE let go...
I NO it`s a silly answer and you "have" checked!! was the side stand down? and is it now in gear? ONLY asking. Mate of mine had BIG problems on a...
OK is the "other"... Rossi fan on here then!!! Ha Ha
Get caught doing more than the 30mph or the 40mph in a village or Town, and there will be a VERY hefty fine coming your way!! So stay safe and...
Hello and thanks for the nice "Welcomes" ian wood is fundraising for Dementia UK
yes me too Finm, AS I said, started as a joke "Iron Butt" challenge. Then Arai are helping and Furygan want to see me "with" jacket on as well "in...
Hi Bung sorry ManxGP !!! 18th August till 31st August I`ll be there. Say hello from me too "Eddie and Glynne" at the TT. "Come say hello"? NO I...
Finm I`ll let you know and others who would like to follow my "Blog" where I get. I`ll detail route soon. Yes "A VERY WORTHY CAUSE" and close to...
Just to add: Cronk Aashen campsite for me because it is just before the 13 mile stone. When you get off the ferry and out of Douglas. The blast up...
MMmmmm! Debbie Harry and the blonde one out of Abba. (crap music tho)
Well said Daisy Duke. Just to add to what you have said: A bike "that everyone Dreamed of owning" When they were 17-19 years old. But could never...
Ducati "Brothers" unite. Tom big thanks for that. Route is pencilled in but I`m not looking at "the full scale wall map"!!!! Have you seen the...
Hi I know I`m a very junior member, but while the weather is SH*t. (sorry not very good) Could you take a moment to have a look at what I`m doing...
HI Ian, not Suzuki "Dave"??
Hi to all Never to old to "give it some stick" I say. Old Bevel in shed and New`ish Belt Ducati. IoM regular but not TT, but every year to ManxGP...