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748 *****£££ Rockers…again

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Ian 748, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. I haven't, I did think about getting them done at the same time but I've never had a problem with the closers or even know of a closer flaking.
  2. Doh, meant opener shims but just reread their page and it appears you must.
    Don’t be fooled by the closers, replaced one exhaust years ago and I’m looking at three bad ones right now. Two inlet and one exhaust but they are original with 40500 miles on them. Oddly still have one good original opener, Who new?? I hope they do a reduced rate for all 16 like mentioned earlier on.
  3. Out of interest, what year is your bike?
  4. 2000 but not registered until 2002.
  5. I've had it from Jan 2003 and it's been very well looked after.
  6. I've some 2nd hand openers and closers which appear fine, if you want to take the "original" route.
  7. my 996 is a 2001 registered in 2002 with 10,500k. I have read (no idea where) that this was fixed in 2001. I am taking her for her first service in my ownership soon and am praying mine are OK..............
  8. Thank you for the offer and i'll keep it in mind.
    Cheers Ian.
  9. Well,thats what you say!:upyeah:
  10. Just looked back through my service record and my first lot were changed at 16901 miles in 2006. I don’t know how bad they were at that point but they were replaced by Ducati foc so it doesn’t say how many but I’m sure it was five. The next lot in 2009 were one opener and one closer at 27646 miles. Now at 40500 miles and need three of each, all closers are original and two of the three openers are failed replacements. I don’t believe the problem was fixed, things changed yes but fixed…
    Some bikes do, do a lot better than others; I hope yours is one of those. What ever happens though don’t let it take away any of the fun. I can’t afford any of this really but every time I get off it, I know I’ll never sell it. :D:D
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Your name iz going on zee list.
  12. It wasnt me mister,a big boy said it and ran off!
  13. First I've heard of. My bike's done over 46k on the original closers and are (or were at last service) still OK. The Newman openers have done around 12k now and, at last check were fine, I'm not expecting any problems when I service/check them next in the new year.

    It seems that the rocker quality varied at various stages of production - before going down the Newman route I bought a full set of new rockers, never fitted the closers but some of the openers flaked so rather than take a chance I got a set done by Newmans.

    At around £35-£40 each it's around the same price as used (ebay) rockers so a no-brainer really. That said I've got plenty of spare, good OEM rockers, some used, some new if anyone's interested. Personally I reckon used ones that haven't flaked are a better bet than new ones as they have proven themselves.
  14. Glad yours are still good but over the years I’ve read of a few folk that have had trouble. They appear MUCH less common than openers and even less so on the bigger motors. Here’s two of the offenders in mine, I can’t get the third to show up It’s such a small area.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Absolutely! My reasoning as well. It’s good to know that NC have a good reputation and it appears I’m the only Desmo rider that hasn’t heard of them. I’ve always had it serviced at Gtec but his moving on has coincided with my building a work shop so at last I have somewhere to work. Some of the labour costs saved will help assuming I can get it put back together. I wasn’t planning on going this far for a first stab at it but if you don’t try you don’t know.:Wideyed:


  15. WOW! those pics came up BIG! I wasn't expecting that.:)
  16. Here you go, "fixed" in 2001, apparently.

    Will let you know when Geoff @ Baines takes it appart. But for all I know it's been raged stupid from cold on crap oil and had the valves badly adjusted.

    Ducati Desmodromic rockers
  17. Touch wood ive replaced only one closing rocker and no openers on my desmoquattro and now at 34,000 miles.Must be a fucking record for these things lol.Was considering newman cams if I encountered any trouble but if you also have to fit there modified shims ill stick with standard oe rockers from ducati.Sure they are like £130 a pop. ouch.

    By the way I don't think the problem has been fixed judging by this thread.

    999 Deep Sump Camshaft Wanted | Ducati Forum

    #37 matt#corse, Jan 1, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2015
  18. Maybe that's due to oil/cold starting/bad valve adjustment?

    Maybe they are better, but not fixed?

    What year is your bike?
  19. My bike is a 1998 916sps (996 cc).

    Ive spoken to guys at ducati as they seem to think the pre 99 suffered less problems due to ducati out sourcing rocker plating after this.Think they used to do this in house .Not sure what the score is now as ive been told shouldn't have a problem with new replacement rockers.Yeah yeah .

    By the way the same mechanics at one of the Midlands busiest ducati dealers have replaced rockers on 998 testastretta etc bikes also but probably less than desmoquattro motors.Im sure when rocker problem is addressed it will just be something else instead with newer bikes and another expensive fix.

    Don't recall anyone with rocker problems on 1098/1198 series bikes.Maybe another reason this conversion is popular among the 748-996 crowd.
  20. I had four openers and a closer replaced on my 1998 748 after 33,000 miles that engine is now my spare since the 853 was fitted, nice to know I have some new rockers to fall back on if needed.
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