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£50 fixed penalty.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. if……..such a little word…
  2. no Andy (yawn) - read the posts under the one you just referred to - can't believe i'm having to help you with your obs here - :rolleyes:
  3. This thread has made me laugh from beginning to end.Thank you.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. I shall take that as a yes.
  5. why not you have assumed on most other things in it….:rolleyes:
  6. I've assumed the OP's story is true....and you're assuming its not.

    I don't know what you're so afraid of....you're not in court you know. I appreciate you're wanting to defend your 'colleague' but if we assume the OP's story is true, you must be able to give an opinion surely? You're closer to this (first hand experience and all that) than most of the people on here so how would you have dealt with it?
    • Like Like x 1
  7. the only part i can say is questionable is how she reacted to the policeman in question. but if i was asked to be a character witness, i would happily.
  8. i wouldn't of let it get out of hand …………..and i wouldn't of let it get in the way of my dinner….
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Thanks Andy. Good to have your opinion on it.
  10. although it was never my intention to start a debate or slanging match, some of your responses are stereotypical of your badge. you start a thread about an old fella being chased at high speed (not) then refuse to comment on it. clearly meant to annoy. involve your self in this thread with your poorly thought out responses. you don't have to agree with them but you don't have to be a troll ether. i am no techy but i am fully aware you cant reason with a robot.
    in the mean time folks when touring through DALMALLY, tyndrum and glencoe watch your speed theirs a robot out there.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Pass through them all from time to time summer and winter in both car and bike. Many thanks, I'll be especially careful (I normally keep a very close eye on the speedo in the thought that a lot of these guys will have long periods with not too much to occupy their time).

    Dalmally as I recall the cop shop is quite a big house set close to the road and there is usually a 4x4 parked at the bottom very close to the road, its there most times I go through.

    I've crossed paths with Argyle's finest before and its always ended badly (for me).

    Warning is appreciated

  12. common sense prevails. case dropped. sometimes worth fighting.

  13. Any witnesses, to the case being dropped? Could be some damage to the corner or contents.

    Where theres blame , there's a claim..

    oh, sorry..... Not that sort of case.....
  14. just been in to the work to tell me. another case dropped, her work mate actually accused of running a red light same policemen. now please its not a poke at the profession. i wont be posting on it again.
  15. What gets me is why are officers allowed to use publicly owned vehicles running on publicly paid for fuel to go and buy their lunch/dinner etc? Can't they walk or use their own vehicles to do that?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. The refreshment times officers have are paid for and as such are still expected to respond to emergency incidents hence the need to have a vehicle (if they are a uniformed response role) and leaving a vehicle at station ect to walk and get food or to go and get their own car would impair their ability to respond to emergency. A good proportion will also sit and eat their food in the their vehicle whilst out and about and are still a visible resource and will finish their refreshment to attend incidents even those that aren't an emergency.

  17. I also expect as as you want it like that they shall remain undisturbed while eating their lunch in their own time while your house is being robbed.

    No matter what they are doing they are able to respond in a suitable vehicle. and when they do. Unlike ambulance drivers. They will just get their lunch when they can
  18. Is that why they all have the stigma of eating donuts all the time then??

    Regardless of what you say response times that I have actually witnessed and heard from others would contradict your comment.
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