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10 Days Blah Blah...tfto

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Amen. English people are great. We all know this. It's the establishment that's the problem.

    Fast forward to 2017 and the EU referendum. I expect that our friends down south will be getting equally agitated when your employer/Union or big business in general writing to you to tell you how to vote. Then there is the biased reporting. The BBC is dead after this campaign. Really finished. TV licenses will be being cancelled left, right and centre this week. All in all its the subversion of democracy. Big business has taken democracy from the average person and put it in its back pocket by having too much influence over MPs.

    The threat of Scotland telling them where to go terrifies them, because they know the rest of the UK will watch us and follow on. England - take your country back! You are too great a people to allow it to be run by too few people with too much money.

    The Labour Party in Scotland is also finished, even with a no vote. The Conservatives in rUK will be in power for a very long time.
  2. The Scottish are a banking commodity, we all are. London, the financial centre know this. the City of London runs this country.
  3. well, the votes all over then, Its a 'No'

    "The pound has lifted off lows after gambling company Betfair announced it would pay out on bets on a 'no' vote in the Scottish independence referendum.

    Gamblers have placed around £8.8 million with the bookmaker on the result of the Scottish referendum, and Betfair said their behaviour was pointing strongly to a 'no' vote.

    Betfair said betting showed a 79% likelihood of a 'no' vote, despite opinion polls predicting a close contest, and that it was 'fully confident' its betting market would be 'the most accurate barometer'.

    'To put the current price into context, Betfair's markets gave Mitt Romney more of a chance of beating Barack Obama in 2012, than Alex Salmond currently beating the "no" campaign in Scotland,' said Betfair's Naomi Totten."
  4. So did they have a get out not to pay out then?
  5. oh it was fully in favour....well i think it was......maybe it was 50/50....... ok, perhaps it was unsure ;)
  6. Some interesting points there. I agree that the BBC has shown its true colours on this & I hope there are serious consequences for them because of it. Big businesses are as entitled their point of view as anyone (does not mean they are right of course) but all the people talking bollox on both sides should stop pretending they know what will happen. Same thing with the UK possibly leaving the EU. Nobody knows until or if it happens. We can all make guesses, sometimes educated ones but why would anyone believe anything a politician says anyway ? The vast majority are self serving tossers imo.
    Also, most of the emphasis is put on money in the same way that for example immigration is often spoken of as being good for the economy. Sometimes it is not about money & the economy at all , not about power at all but just about being proud of something whether it is your town or village, your race or your country or something else .
  7. Bbc issue is editing rather than questioning. Still waiting to hear how it will all really be paid for. And apparently Scotland is one of the wealthiest countries in the planet.

    Vote yes. Gaw on.
  8. Irrespective of who wins,I believe that we will all lose after this campaign.
  9. Well I'll be moving to Scotland to make the most of all the free services, massive wealth andentrepreneurial-ship they keep talking about. Can't wait :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. stay at mine, £39.95 a night plus hot water, no prob
  11. Which currency is that using...?
  12. Full board or just B&B? Shouldn't that be €45 as you ain't having the pound. Oh and you ain't allowed in the EU so maybe $80 as most yanks seem to think they are either Irish or scots
  13. as kevin briges suggested the smackerroony. :upyeah:

  14. Anyway, in addition to the money, exactly how much hot water do I have to give you on top of the money?

    I've never had to give the owner of a B and B hot water before as part of the deal, but I do understand heat is in rare supply that close to the ice cap.
  15. nope the water is free as long as you give me 5 extra smackeroonies.
  16. If you have enough hot air it might produce hot water but thats just a theory..............
  17. i am sure with braders being in sales there will be plenty hot air, but i don't think that's who you meant. ;)
  18. Only til Friday fella ;)
  19. cool, whats your next move?
  20. Smackeroony from the Anglo afghan war, confirmed during the opium wars.
    A barter or trading sum based on the street value of heroin of lb per shilling.
    Perfect, and if that fails you can go back to pre decimalisation and use the shilling and pence. In fact what about lbs oz's as well?
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