I liked the idea of the son who went out regularly with his dad to check up on his standard of driving I have to say the most frustrating drivers here are men in vans and women txting/calling I don't encounter many oldies yet there is a big community of oldies here I watched a couple in the car around late 80's in the carpark the other day his car was spotless. It took time for him to get in and start up but he reversed out of his space no problem I watched a 50ish woman take 5!!!! Attempts at parking a mini !!
Fact is the test as it currently stands is not good enough. There's no need for re-tests if the first one is up to modern traffic standards. But it isn't.
That sort of already proves my point... Your knowledge is based on what you can remember from 35 years ago, and you have never looked at an updated version. The Highway Code has been updated several times since 1979, new sections added, new laws explained etc. How do you know if you are doing something correctly when you don't even know what the current guidance says? This is NOT a personal comment on anybody's driving abilities - just a curious question...
Wrong, my knowledge is based on what I learned 30 minutes ago - and what I've learned every time I've driven or ridden between then and now.
Agreed, we keep on learning I just scored 100% here....Highway Code Test - Free Learner's Practice Theory Test
Indeed. Back in the 1960s I always thought the Highway Code was rubbish - badly written, vague, antiquated, only dealt with the easy stuff not the real problems. But each successive edition has got better and the current version is much improved; some sections even show signs of intelligent thought. Well worth a read, in my view.
Fig - your knowledge of changes to traffic law, new road signs etc does not come from riding or driving. Like I said, I'm not commenting on your ability or experience - just your knowledge of the most up-to-date version of the traffic law...
Indeed. Let's strike a deal shall we: I'll contribute a post providing accurate facts and reasonable arguments, then you can make a post disagreeing.
To be brutally honest, I suspect somewhere between 1/2 and 3/4 of drivers on the road couldn't pass a re test.