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100 Year Old Drivers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. the thing is particularly with old people you are taking away their freedom their mobility and potentially condemning them to their own house.....not saying they should be allowed to roam around putting others at risk, or work to a different set of rules...........but it can be a difficult decision...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. I agree with age related tests. My initial reaction is to say that people should be tested every five years after 70 years of age. That said I do know a lot of very "with it" 70 year olds that are also incredibly fit.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. personally i dont worry what age you all are,in my experience 80% of drivers are simply wank at driving and have no clue whats happening elsewhere on the roads,no matter how much training is involved their minds just arent on the current subject:driving: all of the time.

    best idea i have is for 80% of you to simply get off my road(present company excluded,,possibly),youre in the way and not even you, know what you will be doing next and i certainly dont..

    ;) ..
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Just to be clear, in my opinion if someone is driving when they shouldn't be then it's their fault and solely their fault - no one else's. However, I still think "hit and run" and other serious offences should ALWAYS be prosecuted. Who do I think should police the laws of the country...little clue in the wording... The Police do great work, maybe these prosecutions weren't the most important things they had to do on those days? Does that mean the victims shouldn't feel let down? But that's going off topic for this thread.

    I think all drivers should be tested on all categories of their licence every ten years. Just my opinion, even though it would leave me with more than one test. I'd lose my right to drive a 7.5ton lorry etc. this way, but should I have it anyway? A licence isn't a right, it's a privilege. Just because society has come to rely on their cars doesn't make it right to take them for granted. I agree that it is difficult to take someone's mobility away, but if you don't do something there is too much risk that they'll take someone else's.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. i think if you tested the driving population........you wouldn't have to go much further than a Highway code test even with a 65% pass mark to get 50% to fail...

    just my humble experience..
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Although a bit of a way to go but now seeing the 70 in the distance. I wonder how many advocating taking the license off of the elderly are in that category.............................not fukin many I guess.

    The elderly can on occasion do stupid stuff but from what I've seen tend to do it a lot slower and their main "crime" is inherent caution and generally being slow. I suppose it could be argued that reaction times and impaired senses make them a danger, but generally they are aware themselves that's why they're slow. They have been driving a long time and know the danger. They are aware that an accident of any sort may end up with them losing the right to drive through either insurance costs or the license being withdrawn.

    A good number on here freely admit to batting along well over the speed limit on what are in effect 2 wheeled missiles.

    My point..................................I've had the shit scared out me on the road a LOT more by motorcycles than elderly drivers.

    Talk about pots and kettles

    I'll get ma coat
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  7. What? Haven't you got buses, or Taxis, or Family or Age Care vans over in that there England then?

  8. afraid you lost me at " The Police do great work, "
    #88 gregotch, Aug 26, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  9. why are you whispering. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Driving down the m25 yesterday in the pouring rain and spray making it impossible to see the cars with no lights on seemed to have been driven by 30 something men
    I think everyone needs a re test not just the oldies
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. or money....
  12. Have you all forgotten the enormous amount of normal people who can drive/ride perfectly well time after time with no drama..? Pretty much every morning I drive into the great metropolis along with many hundreds, if not thousands, of other vehicles. Almost none of them do anything untoward. And I have to say it's the bikers that let the side down on many occasions.

    If you own a BMW GS, please do me favour, stop riding in cycle lanes - and look in your mirrors once in a fucking while:mad:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. have to a agree, its other bikers i fear the most (on the road) i guess you stick out more up here because its quieter witness to many serious and deaths every summer. another one last night coming home from work.
  14. Serious question @finm - do the accidents involve locals or tourists who don't know the roads?
  15. i think more locals, getting impatient.
  16. i knew three (friends of friends) that have been killed in last 12 months. not including the mountain of small to serious.
    again i shit you not, i past 5cars one morning on there roof on 10mile stretch of rood driving to work. i was cringing going up towards the fort behind you guys not because what you where doing was particularly unsafe but quite often there is a group coming the other doing the same and one of them will often over cook it, i have seen several bikes smash head on up here not including all the ones i haven't.
  17. Fair point @finm - We were a tad brisk ;)
  18. that's why i stick to to the other roads up this way when i fancy a blast. of the tourist track.
    lochlomand,glencoe fort to inverness all shit with crap road surface.
  19. That wasn't the one at Connel by any chance Finm? I didn't venture up that far, but was talking to a guy who said he got held up because of a smash there.
  20. was there one at connel yesterday as well? dunbeg last night. i hear the sirens passing my work most days.
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