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1198 1098r V 1198s For A Fast Road Bike.

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by pauly, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. How many £1000's?
  2. BSD best value at 1800 supply only.
  3. Expensive job to fit?
  4. Depends who does it.

    Crankcases need to be opened up.
  5. Can I play Devils Advocate? I’d like to point out that both these bikes will break the national speed limit in first gear, in a little over three seconds and are very, very, rarely ridden to their full potential by 90 odd percent of the people that own them. So why spend thousands enhancing their performance for a ‘fast road bike’?
    Most people would benefit more from investing a proportionally small amount having their suspension set up correctly and buying a tyre pressure gauge (and using it).
    #165 SHarper, Oct 19, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Consider your sunshine spread SH.. :):)
  7. You just needed to add”in the real world”
  8. And the other 10 percent?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Hello stalker.
  10. Touched a nerve about the bike you moved on?
  11. Agree, had BSD fit one to my 1198S, works great with a race pattern quickshifter
    • Agree Agree x 1
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