as above, fit them whichever way round is more "in repose" or another approach if relevant - measure both hoses from the junction and if there is a slightly shorter one then route it to the junction that is furthest forward.
It's pretty clear from the diagram.... It's this one @SS427 So the one on right of the bike as you sit on it. Plug em in, don't worry, be happy As the chaps have explained it makes no difference to the fuel flow if you mix em up.
I’ve just been through all this with my 848, which is the same for your 1098. Have a look at the screenshot I’ve attached from manual.
Morning Scott, massive thanks for your reply. I did wonder re the Right side fuel hose fitting onto the front tank outlet and this has confirmed it. Did you change the 4 little O ring seals ( Green on my bike ) on the connectors ? I noticed that one is badly damaged, but Ducati only sell a new connector, which comes with the 2 seals, it’s £15 pounds !
Hi there if you’re still stuck this guy Glen Harrison he is in Colchester he is really good spot on !
Because the 1098 parts list only shows them as part of the connector, but they are available separately if you know what to look for.
I changed the whole connectors with new hose clips, got them from Moto Rapido. If the connectors are old/original the quick release part that you squeeze to lock it in place looses its shape due to age and the heat in that area and reduces its ability to “click” into place. Read the description in this link to see if yours are ok. I got some spare o-rings aswell, from the following link. If your connectors are ok you can replace the o-rings. Use a small amount of red rubber grease on o-rings to prevent damage during assembly.
I contacted my Ducati main dealer, but no trace of that part number ! Any idea where I can get them from ?
This might be worth a look:
You can’t get them from Ducati, I tried aswell. They only sell the connector with the o-rings as a complete unit. Did you read my previous post? I put a link on there for just the o-rings.
If Ducati won't sell them to you measure them up and get some from a bearing supplier. Ask for them in viton,