If you have the money what to decide? Lightest production superbike ever made, what's not to like, if I had the cash there would be no deciding I'd be in like a quick thing gets into something. Man on paper it's a beast with some of the finest materials used know to man, I'm loving the attitude of Ducati to go all out regardless of cost and build the thing! Congrats to the lucky bastards (well no luck in making money, ok maybe a little) who will own such a rare and hi spec motorcycle!
I say happy days to the folk who can afford one....maybe they might hire it out now and then to us minions....lol
To those who have ordered one, have fun. As said above what is there NOT to like about the lightest production motorcycle ever built and by some margin too i would guess. Please don't wrap them in cotton wool and mount them on a wall though, get out there and ride them as Ducati intended.
Mount on a wall? Not a chance...it'll be the kitchen or the dining room depending on what the Cruelty Officer has to say...the Desmo's in the kitchen so might be pushing my luck :biggrin:!
Am I the only 1 thinking I was told the price was the same no matter where it was bought? $65000 usd is just under £40500 so why are we having to pay £54000 in the UK?
I will be mate as I've bought 1, as has a few Forum members...distinctly told it was the same price everywhere as it was so exclusive!
Ignore the dollar price, the bike is 66,000 euros...at today's price around £55,000...you're doing ok