Holy cow, you must have the biking equivalent of a lead foot! I regularly get 300+ miles on my 1200 Enduro. Maybe licence preservation has actually slowed me down!
33 Litre fuel tank; straight purchase as it ticked everything I wanted in a multi-ducati (average 370 mile range). Normal swing-arm although you still need to carry 12-point dual socket when touring. All the bells & whistles side abs, side-illumination when cornering. Colour dash & trick electronic suspension....but I am biased as I close in on 46,000 second desmo service. Gunna' swallow my wallet but I love it
I've just bought one of these for doing the chain: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-MOTO...var=550939609419&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 I'll carry it in my tool roll in my crash bar bags Incidentally, for those thinking the single-sided swingarm is easier to adjust, I adjusted my chain last night, and it took me all of three minutes. I use an old plastic vernier caliper to measure the chain adjuster block gap on each side, and it really isn't any hassle at all.