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133.8mph While At The Dealers?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Horico, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. GPS systems can have blips, my old VFR achieved over Mach3 if my Garmin was to believed. Probably only admissible as evidence if there is consistent recording across multiple points at excessive speed and in support of other witness evidence.
  2. I had a problem on an Audi with wind noise around the driver door becoming excessive at high speed, especially compared to the other doors. The Audi mechanic told me they were not allowed to drive at over the legal speed at any time or risked disciplinary action. I`d be surprised if that was not now also the company policy for Ducati.
    Regardless of that I`d be very disappointed if I bought a bike and the staff had a jolly on it before I collected. It is just wrong.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. I couldn't care less, on one condition, they scrub off the chicken strips.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  4. Did you get them to take your knee sliders out too?
    • Like Like x 3
  5. Smart arse...........bike is in for its first service this weekend (weather dependant) Owned the bike since Feb and only getting first service now, disgraceful!

    After that, I'm going to through it down, I bought new sliders, they are twice the thickness, so hopefully should hit the black stuff :)
  6. uhmm few issues with this totally lack or regard to the speed limit 130 MPH
    is banning speed and sometimes a few days in prison
    that evidence ,like when you see them idiots on you tube filming themselves speeding could get him convicted easily
  7. I've placed a reminder in my service booklet to forbid any road-testing (noting mileage) without my consent & check gps tracker data. Can we have an update of this thread OP?
  8. I agree, it's certainly a crime punishable with a prison sentence in many cases.
    However, a third party GPS log wouldn't stand a chance in court unless it was accompanied by some consistency of data, independent witness statements and a thorough investigation into the accuracy of the recording equipment
    Publicly available GPS equipment is well know for throwing out some somewhat random numbers, and any defence worth it's salt would bring that into question to the point where it'd need to be proven without doubt before it even got close to being brought under the nose of a judge.
    This would be on the responsibility side of the OP, and his costs of doing so would be astronomic before the case really even got any steam behind it
  9. If we had every Ducati mechanic that had ever sped in jail we wouldn't have anyone left to work on our bikes. I understand the trust aspect with taking it for a joyride without consent (if that is even what happened, as it may just have been that they called to say the work was done before the road test... Who knows and maybe that is partly irrelevant). What I do not understand is how super strict on speeding we have all become. Almost everyone here has sped at some point (you don't own a Sportsbike and NEVER speed), so why are we all so anti-speeding. Yes, it was very fast.... But if another member of the biking fraternity (that was not a policeman) tried to prosecute one of us for speeding via some surruptitious means, most of us would be up in arms about why they would bother.... Lighten up! He sped. A lot of us have. Please move on....
    ...and if it about the joyride, just speak to the dealer face to face about it. He might already know he has a problem and appreciate the "evidence". It will not get solved here by us though.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. It's unprofessional and it's disrespectful of you, the person who pays their wages.

    To seemingly break the law using your property without your permission is completely out of order imho.

    If they did this then can you trust the quality of the work they are supposed to have carried out on your bike?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Course you can, the fella doing the work is willing to go 133.8mph on his fix so he must trust it [emoji6]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. That's a good point [emoji3] If it was the same person.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. The mechanic was probably on the bacon roll run? Nothing worse than a cold bacon banjo
    • Like Like x 1
  14. You are spot on chap! What's the point in having a super bike or supercar with all that power on tap then not using its full potential now and again? Bit like being blessed with a big tadger and not sharing it with as many honeys as possible!
  15. @Exige I read a lot of your cables being over here. :upyeah:
  16. Where did you read? :)
  17. Singles column. :Bucktooth:

    Facebook. Nothing but good reports. :upyeah:
  18. Cool, don't do facebook but I need to get a business page - to do this you need a private page - it's all double Dutch to me :)
  19. Talking cables man, not Dutch chicks. Good to see your stuff out there though.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. @Horico In your original post you were curious what others would do in this situation. You got five pages of options( plus exige selling his belts!)

    Did you have a conversation with your dealer in the end, and how did it go. Curious as to how it all ended.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
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