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15 year old girl and 30 year old bloke, what do you all think?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by GLYNH, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. As long as the oldest one of you wasn't 24 at the time........
  2. She was 21 at the time
  3. Stupid man:rolleyes:
  4. School knew about it weeks and week before this, they should have done something then, if I were the parents I have his balls and the schools too!

    Total miss use of trust on the teachers part and needs a good sorting out IMO.
    #24 arthurbikemad, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  5. If they did indeed get down to it I think it is classed as rape in UK law. S9. Sexual activity with a child:Sexual offences: Sentencing Manual: Legal Guidance: The Crown Prosecution Service
    As he is a teacher in a postion of influence he is likely to go down for quite a while (forgive the pun). Even if she was 16 he would be committing an offence. Not surprising he took her off to France which could be classed as kidnap

    So his career is shot he will be put on the sex offenders register. Lets hope it all ends as well as possible

    What a twat
    #25 Denzil the Ducati, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
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  6. And just then on the news they say another teacher at that school has been convicted of child grooming and another of some similar crime! WTF kind of school is that?
  7. A catholic one?
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  8. Emms 33 I'm 42 I'm doomed she has a school uniform:biggrin:
  9. Lucky man!! Where's the pics of that then???
  10. Imprinted on brain forever ..... Pics to follow
  11. well shes 15....have you seen 15 year old girls these days??? I remember what I was like at 15, me and my mate used to hang around with lads from the age of 18 to about 30 loads of us knocking about together all mates having a laugh and at 15 I was having sex with a bloke who was 26! In my opinion if a girl is going to put it out a blokes not thinking how old she is he's thinking yep she's hot I'll give her a good feckin!!!! .so tbh it doesn't suprise me that she's run off with him and all this about sex offenders etc...yeah politically correct and yeah maybe he should have known better but 15 year old girls can be very persuasive and she's a much to blame as he is....they should concern themselves more with sex offenders where the bloke is 30 and the child is 5 or 6, she's just a pretty teenager with a crush and he's just a 30 year old bloke with testosterone that needs releasing, they shouldnt have gone to france etc etc but at the end of the day the girl would have consented to sex with him therefore its not rape its not sexual abuse its just two people with feelings for one another that just happened to be 15 years between them, there are worse things going on in this world. When I was 19 I met my sons father he was 35 we were together for 7 years...nuff said.
  12. Victims of biology.

    The girl is still a kid - she's allowed to be stupid.
    The guy is supposed to be an adult. Teachers aren't meant to bone their underage pupils, no matter how hot they find them.
    He's been a very silly, naughty boy.

    A 14 year age gap is of no real consequence in later life, but you don't elope with a 15 year old. The music will have to be faced and it's going to sound like Stockhausen to him.

    I think it's dumbarse. But then dumbarse behaviour between two members of the opposite sex is a daily occurrence.
    She'll have a teenage crush on her rockstar maths teacher. He just soaks up the adulation. Not very clever.
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  13. I can't believe our illustrious press haven't been all over his wife :eek:
  14. We are one of the worst countries for teenage pregnancy rates. Numerous things have been tried to rectify this. Under the latest sexual offences act a person such as him in a place of trust breaks the law if he is over 18 and she is 18 or under. He is supposed to be there to protect her and prevent predatory males from taking advantage of her. If she went to a different school to the one he taught at then maybe things would not be so serious. he has also comitted the offence of child abduction thats an offence against the will of the parents not the children.

    Any of you experienced this first hand I have 14year old Daughter 26 year old male and a grandson who is now 23 with a 2 year old daughter my great granddaughter and i am only realy young.

    I don't care what anybody says however grown up she thinks she is she has now been robbed of her latter part of her childhood and the fallout will last for some time yet preventing her from having proper teenage years. This cannot realy be compared to a 15 year old with an any tom dick or Harry 30 year old.
    The law will screw him and she thinks or is probably in love with him so for the next few years she will hate everyone and everything in the establishment probably including her parents for what happens to him So he deserves screwing
  15. My own thoughts are that there is no defence on his part. At 15 girls and boys vary tremendously in maturity but my own experience of my children and their friends is that even the most mature are still vulnerable and need guidance, part of his job is to give that guidance and not abuse it.
  16. Wrong on many levels, but, very funny :eek:
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  17. for me, almost the biggest concern is that there's been an investigation going on - the school, local authority and Police - going on for some time, but the parents of the girl hadn't been told. Where do these people get the idea that they can supplant the role of a parent and act without the parents knowledge? He was her personal tutor FFS. Had they known, the parents would have at least tried put a stop to it.
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