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Featured 1980 Darmah 900 Ssd In France

Discussion in 'Vintage' started by Guillaume69, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. Well, I feel like my Darmah may have been assembled in Germany, then, with all four openers within 0.30 mm… :astonished:

    I an halfway through with the closers. Got to at 0.01 by just replacing the closer by a 1 size up bigger one (measured by difference - shim turning through the entire cam shaft revolution), so that’s lucky. I am now grinding off a couple 1/100 one rhe remaining two to try and get the same result.

    When that’s done, I will be able to properly tackle the openers.

    Stay tuned !

    Edit: Look what the postman brought me today!!! DB8B7711-E942-4BAD-AEEC-D21B49C0FC66.jpeg
  2. Ooops got that wrong, it was the openers that were 3.48, 2.27, 3.31 & 4.03.

    The closers are 5.94, 7.23, 5.61 & 4.88 - which is just as random :laughing:
    #162 Andy Bee, Jan 31, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
  3. A lot of the valve shim difference(s) can be introduced by having the seats replaced/ground.

    There's a lot of info in that book but what I found most useful were the pictures & technical dimension specs. The wiring diagram proved a godsend for me when doing the rewire.
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  4. Valve clearances are done. I soent some time in this, had to order a couple shims and sand a few more, but here’s where we stand:

    Vertical Cyl.
    - Intake
    Opening = 0.09 / Closing= 0.01
    - Exhaust
    Opening = 0.15 / Closing = 0.01

    Horizontal Cyl.
    - Intake
    Opening= 0.10 / Closing = 0.01
    - Exhaust
    Opening = 0.14 / Closing = 0.01

    And to a halfway done engine refurb. Need to sort the alternator wire seal, the pickups rewiring and set-up (waiting for the magic tool) and clutch overhaul. 22D7D011-4D5F-4DC5-A2FC-49E43EEE57C0.jpeg A838CB02-35E7-47DE-A7E1-7B348AB0DBE6.jpeg F7A64864-CA13-477B-8ACF-06C883D001F2.jpeg
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  5. And as I am waiting for my last orders, I have started to put the wiring and ignition on the frame. I am sticking with full OEM for now. I need to see it work. After a good clean, checking clean grounds and all, it’s really rewarding. 4A3AA421-660F-4656-B250-79BC2AEA824B.jpeg 1861E692-C79B-41FB-834A-060D8EA6BD17.jpeg

    Now the only discrepancy I found is a pair of cut wires just next to the horn loom. I haven’t confirmed with the wiring diagram yet, but I am betting on the side stand switch. We’ll see. D1A52814-C7CB-4301-BC14-1AC95641ECF9.jpeg
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  6. I spent quite some time faffing about trying to get the the clutch plates to move parallel (to each other) when pulling the lever in. Using various washers behind the springs, 3 strong & 3 weak springs, different tension on the spring bolts etc etc but each time it looked good I'd turn the engine half a rev and the plates would separate unevenly again.

    In the end I replaced the centre adjustment screw that the clutch pushrods operate on after noticing the end wasn't flat which I suspect was the major cause of the uneven operation.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. My money would be on the side stand switch also... and what ever you do don't refit the side stand. Because of it's placement it's bloody useless and allows the bike to roll forward and off the stand.
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  8. As my friend Chris found to his dismay on his first ride after picking up his new to him SSD.
  9. Oh dear.... :( and they're big heavy lumps to pick back up again.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I guess that explains why the whole system (stand + switch) was removed by a previous owner, then…
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  11. Look what I got in the mail box this morning… :astonished:
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  12. Dear old Tony Brancato, still going
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  13. Yeah... Tony really knows his stuff and is a bit of a perfectionist... well more than a bit really :) He stripped & rebuilt my Darmah engine many many moons ago after I dropped it and punched a hole through the RHS casing. And during it's recent recommission you could see my name scribed on the crank webs & engine cases.

    I'm not sure how much hands on stuff he does now above the production of tools like the above.
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  14. Progress!:cool:

    With a new gasket (the small round one) for the alternator wires, the replacement cover is now back on the motor. Very happy with how this turned out. Looks brand new.
    Nb: Notice the brand new neutral switch!

    And I have steering and seat locks again. With keys. :D E08F5454-4FF7-4422-9975-62DF0F9A759A.jpeg 4B30304C-BB5C-4DCC-A872-F6BF7161AC25.jpeg
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  15. The casting at the top of the rear bevel tube is the wrong way round.
    Doesn't make any practical difference, just looks crap.
  16. cb750faces.com of Rotterdam are useful for Nippon Denso gauges parts.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. Yep, I figured. I will adresse this kind of « discrepancies when I take the engine out, in a few years…
  18. Is it not a case of it being the wrong way round but it's on the wrong cylinder - I'm assuming the front pot has the bevel support with horizontal fins.

    It does mean that at some point in it's life the heads and the upper bevel gear have been removed/dismantled. I must admit I can't remember if it houses the self aligning bearing or not but it's a real easy mistake to make - which of course I blundered into and made even after reading about it. Ho hum.
    #179 Andy Bee, Feb 10, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2025
  19. Not quite, no. There is only one type of casting - it has the ribs longitudinal one side and circumferential the other side.
    Your one is the right part, but fitted the wrong way round. Don't worry about it, but expect to get your leg pulled.
    • Useful Useful x 1
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