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1999 996 Biposto Restoration

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by gothicsera, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Why are the bikes not in the house (ah yes, it's a woman thing) :)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  2. I think you are askin for trouble here dawg
  3. Guess where all the clean parts are for the 996? And it's not the first vehicle for more of it to be in the house than outside...

    You might have noticed I'm not your average woman.... :D
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  4. Yes I did :innocent: you are slimmer than average :)
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 2
  5. Keeps the power to weight up on the bike... and makes it handle better ;)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. Great job Sera, enjoying these updates, keep them coming.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. should'nt a 1999 bike have a gold frame ?? the silver/grey didnt come out till 2000
  8. Date codes on virtually everything, including the original tyres, are 1999 - Oct/Nov from what I can tell. Frame etc has never been repainted previously.
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  9. It's a MY2000 bike then officially, a lot were built at the end of 1999, same happens every year with most automotive companies.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  10. When my missus first visited my first floor flat in Kingston, she was a tad surprised to find a motorbike in the kitchen.
    An Uncle Bunt Lowrider... :)
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  11. I met the man himself, at his house in California in 2012.... Long story. Involves land speed racing at Bonneville (bikes) and a road trip...
    • Love You Love You x 1
  12. Sounds like a story that needs to be told, even if it is long... :)
  13. I'll see if I can find the pictures and stuff. Amazing man, and totally eccentric.
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  14. I spent a few days with him in London at the 1985 National Motorcycle Show at Olympia. Went on the piss with him and the Superbike Magazine people, Tony Foale too as we all had bikes on their stand that year. Great memories :)
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  15. He must be a really old rider by now. The Lowrider’s engine was a Bonneville - spooky... lol
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  16. A little more progress - tyres onto rims and fitted, radiator, throttle bodies and lots of other little bits done.

    Still have to take the 2 engine side cases off and repaint them - this weekend's job, so they are still very tatty.

    Also have new braided hoses for the brakes and clutch, new pads and a heap of other parts to fit yet. But it is coming on quickly now...

    And yes, I still haven't tidied the workshop...

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  17. looking good! The bike not the workshop... Lol, I'm pleased... Most on here have workshops that look like Dr's surgeries.... Yours is more akin to mine... Albeit yours probably a bit messy due to use not sheer laziness ...
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  18. I have 2 workshops - a 20'x30' which is predominately the 'messy' shop - my father in law is currently doing some woodworking in there, but its where my lathe and mill are, along with chop saws etc - and a smaller one about the size of a single garage which is where I do my 'engineering' and clean stuff like engine builds and painting etc. Here's about half of it. Other half is full of bikes and welding gear... The 996 will be getting moved into the 'clean' shop tomorrow night.

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  19. hmmm... I just have the one messy one... I mostly just sit out there planning stuff I never do so it doesn't need to be too organized.
    I admire your motivation... I used to have some of that. ..
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  20. Looking great but FYI, no-one who is following this thread cares about the bike!
    • Funny Funny x 2
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