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2004 Ducati 999 Biposte Start issue

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by BigCFDucati67, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. This is the first forum I've been registered to were the response has been amazing. Thanks guys!!!
  2. Ive copied these from this site searching for "error codes"
    To get the codes up you need to pres the left hand button on the clock assembly and keep it pressed when you turn the ignition on - the codes then are displayed.

    1.1 TPS Disconnected
    1.2 TPS short circuit to earth
    2.1 Pressure Sensor short circuit to power supply
    2.2 Pressure Sensor shorted to earth
    3.1 Water Temp Sensor shorted to power supply
    3.2 Water Temp Sensor shorted to earth
    4.1 Air Temp Sensor shorted to power supply
    4.2 Air Temp Sensor Shorted to earth
    5.1 Battery Hi
    5.2 Battery Lo

    10.1 Hor. Coil shorted to power supply
    10.2 Hor. Coil shorted to earth
    11.1 Ver. Coil shorted to power supply
    11.2 Ver. Coil shorted to earth
    12.1 Inj1 shorted to power supply
    12.2 Inj1 shorted to earth
    13.1 Inj2 shorted to power supply
    13.2 Inj2 shorted to earth
    14.1 Inj3 shorted to to power supply
    14.2 Inj3 shorted to earth
    15.1 Inj4 shorted to powersupply
    15.2 Inj4 shorted to earth
    16.0 Pump Relay
    17.1 LH Fan shorted to poer supply
    17.2 LH Fan shorted to earth
    18.1 RH Fan shorted to power supply
    18.2 RH Fan shorted to earth
    19.1 Starter Solenoid shorted to power supply
    19.2 Starter Solenoid shorted to earth

    30.0 ROM/Eprom error
    34.0 Signal Panel Sensor
    36.0 Speed sensor
    37.0 Immobiliser (transponder)
    37.1 Immobiliser (antenna)
    37.2 Immoiliser (instrument panel serial driver)
    37.3 Immobiliser (serial cable disconnected)
    37.4 Immobiliser (ccm serial drive)
    37.5 Immobiliser (key not recognised)
    37.6 Can Line error
  3. Keep it held down and the error will scroll

    1.1 TPS Disconnected
    1.2 TPS short circuit to earth
    2.1 Pressure Sensor short circuit to power supply
    2.2 Pressure Sensor shorted to earth
    3.1 Water Temp Sensor shorted to power supply
    3.2 Water Temp Sensor shorted to earth
    4.1 Air Temp Sensor shorted to power supply
    4.2 Air Temp Sensor Shorted to earth
    5.1 Battery Hi
    5.2 Battery Lo
    10.1 Hor. Coil shorted to power supply
    10.2 Hor. Coil shorted to earth
    11.1 Ver. Coil shorted to power supply
    11.2 Ver. Coil shorted to earth
    12.1 Inj1 shorted to power supply
    12.2 Inj1 shorted to earth
    13.1 Inj2 shorted to power supply
    13.2 Inj2 shorted to earth
    14.1 Inj3 shorted to to power supply
    14.2 Inj3 shorted to earth
    15.1 Inj4 shorted to powersupply
    15.2 Inj4 shorted to earth
    16.0 Pump Relay
    17.1 LH Fan shorted to power supply
    17.2 LH Fan shorted to earth
    18.1 RH Fan shorted to power supply
    18.2 RH Fan shorted to earth
    19.1 Starter Solenoid shorted to power supply
    19.2 Starter Solenoid shorted to earth
    30.0 ROM/Eprom error
    34.0 Signal Panel Sensor
    36.0 Speed sensor
    37.0 Immobiliser (transponder)
    37.1 Immobiliser (antenna)
    37.2 Immobiliser (instrument panel serial driver)
    37.3 Immobiliser (serial cable disconnected)
    37.4 Immobiliser (ccm serial drive)
    37.5 Immobiliser (key not recognised)
    37.6 Can Line error
  4. looks like you KEEP left button pressed till after EF1 code comes up.
    I like "copy paste" only knew how to do it last month...old git.
    Oh I`d keep the oil in it by the way?
    #24 ianpm77, Jan 19, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
  5. What if he comes back and says error code 37.7 ????
  6. he got it going and has left us here!!! waiting !!!
    I`m off for a fag...see thee in a minute or two. let me know how he got on please
    #26 ianpm77, Jan 19, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
  7. lol!! Old git who has the ability and time to help a newbie. I appreciate this so much. I might just wet the bed tonight. Gonna have to wait and have another cuppa as I cant get that code to come up yet. The battery seems to have died a little. But plenty to let me get the code. So if you are about in the next 10 minutes, I should have it for you mate.
  8. We're not that stupid guys. lol
  9. Get some relays ordered off eBay whilst the kettle boils
  10. Will do Chris....Cheers!
  11. Chris, I am thinking that this may be an intermittent battery fault. Not sure? I am gonna take the side panel off and make sure the battery connections aren't damp and stick it on a trickle charge over night first. I'll leave a note on the thread tomorrow night and let you guys know if it resolves the issue. Thank-you all again!
  12. There's a couple of threads on here about improving the earthing on 749s and 999s. Check the earth strap. If it's badly corroded, it could cause charging issues. But get to the eobd codes.
  13. Fag break over......he`s gone to bed??? and no good night to me!!
  14. Go on then. Good night Ian. Off you pop!
  15. OK lads and ladies. I have the side panel off, the battery off and is on charge. I will reply to the thread one way or another tomorrow night if you are all still around. I appreciate your help big time. But for now, night night all!
  16. Good night "BIG Chris"...Good night "Jerry"...good night "LaLa". Off you POP!!
    • Like Like x 1
  17. "wakey" "Wakey" BIG CHRIS "time too get up"
    How`s the Battery?
    Still keeping that oil in it? Not cheap you know.
    If it says 37.7 I`m stuffed. No idea at all. "sorry". copy paste.
    Sorry every one "is this how this Forum works??" or should I keep quiet?
    I WOULD like to know how Chris got on.
  18. Moved to 999 :smile:
    • Like Like x 1
  19. The right place I agree (999).....but "BIG Chris" can`t find us all now
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