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1200 DVT 2018 Multistrada

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Wayne58, Apr 9, 2017.

  1. Pcp is the reason there I suspect?
  2. And/or Brexit
  3. As for the car market, it is people like me now thinking Electric, and no one buy new till next few years, there are huge changes in the car market and van a bit later over next few years, more than ever before in the history of cars
  4. We're looking to change our daily driver (currently an X5) and have been test driving the usual suspects. Then Tesla lent me a Model X for a couple of days. I had thought that maybe one more internal combustion engined car would see us through to the electric era. Not now: I have no intention of buying another dinosaur-burner and will be going to straight to volts and amps.
  5. My wife’s Nissan Leaf is a great 2nd car. But only Tesla are on top of the growing infrastructure demands for long range driving. Just look at any Motorway services on the M6 to see how they’re adding chargers.

    Bike manufactures really need to catch up in my opinion.
  6. It is also about BIK to get an equal performance of my current car at a decent price to get into the business it has to be either hybrid or electric, and there is no decent hybrids and tbh most hybrids are just a BIK tax con, but next year and 2019 all that is going to change. Regarding Charging people are panicking, for an average user you will only need to charge a car once or twice a week as the next batch are all going to be around 200 to 300 miles to a full charge, and all around a price bracket for Companies to use with low BIK.
    Tesla are going to spend millions in the next few years, tbh if their 3 model was not being held up they would be so far ahead, but the others are really on the case now. (Jag Ipace I cannot wait :)
    I would guess PCP also is becoming a problem for the low end market with interest rates going up some buyers who can just get the deal for a new car when the interest rates were so low is going to loose that option soon.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I have looked at tesla, and really struggling not to go that route, but their cars personally for me are just too big, the X is massive, but the technology is fantastic. again Jag IPACE is close enough I am waiting, have my deposit down :)
  8. We seem to be thinking along exactly similar lines: I was about to go with a Tesla, and that's still my backstop (ie if there's a suddenly withdrawal of government incentives, I'll push the button), but otherwise I'll wait and see what the i-Pace and e-Tron have to offer - the Model X is a tad large for my needs. With government incentives, including the discount, interest-free business loans (Scotland) and first year write-down, I reckon I can run a Model X or equivalent for less than a fairly basic X3. Which frees up more money for new motorcycles… (in a somewhat fatuous attempt to get back on topic)
  9. Sorry getting off topic a little, regarding the big Drop in Prices as for KTM is it not the old 2017 bikes they are getting ride of to make way for updates in the 2018 model,
  10. My main issues are depreciation for my personal car that would be way too high in BIK if in the business, but to get the car in back in the business let the business take the hit, with a decent car and low BIK and save like 4k a year just running costs, again in the business.

    Nissan Leaf 2 is a great car also just not fast enough for me :)
  11. Since when has being OT been a requirement of this forum? ;-) Having had an utterly hilarious time with a Model X in Ludicrous mode (ask the orange Huracan I encountered on a highland road), I fear I'm spoiled for anything else…
  12. It's only yourselves you're trying to convince you lentil munching tree hugging weirdos. It's a lame 4 door saloon that you can't drive very far before being forced to stop forever to charge it up. Now take ya boring lecky boxes, and go start a thread on the green peace site.... :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Ha ha ha Go Wayne.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. How very 1980s: it's Quinoa these days, not lentils. And I object to being described as a 'weirdo': that's far too simplistic - "Pyscho-Weirdo" or "Subversive Weirdo" would however do nicely…
    • Funny Funny x 3
  15. Spot on Wayne.
    All you techno addicts need to take a step back and look at the promises made by computer and phone manufacturers, they have all failed miserably in the battery life battle.
    Oh and the batteries in the Tesla are the size of torch batteries and there are about a thousand of them sealed into the aluminium chassis platform, How much will a new chassis set you back when one of the cells fails or the car reaches 5 or six years old and the batteries are furked, and don't tell me I should change my car after 2 or 3 years, that is not an eco friendly option
    IMO the battery technology is not ready yet, its Microsoft Syndrome, sell it before its ready and sell upgrades that promise the world.
    Must go, have to feed the horse and grease the cart wheels before the sun goes down!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  16. People won't own electric cars they will just lease them.
  17. But they are still incredibly un green to produce, fucking ruin the environment to dispose off , take to long to charge and there is a finite amount of materials to make them. You lecky worshippers are being sold a whacking great lie...oh, and they cost to much to buy to start with. :cool:
  18. Repeat a lie often enough Wayne and it becomes the truth :(
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Trouble is oil will become a very limited resource in the next 25 years or so, so the industry cannot just sit on its hands with its fingers in its ears. Electric cars are the answer to a cleaner living environment even if they wont save the world.
  20. Hydrogen fuel cells.....
    • Agree Agree x 1
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