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24hrs until my spinal surgery

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. I have morphine two big bottles.
    I feel for you!!!
    The best I've ever felt and I shouldn't say it was when I had it injected .
    Ooooooh it was heaven terrible I know but the feeling with no pain for a while was bliss!
  2. Ducati Forum to Funky, come in Funky:smile: Welcome back to the land of the living,hope it went well.
  3. An Update:

    Well a very eventful 24hrs i can tell you..

    Heres the short version:
    After having x-rays, lots of waiting, shown to my temporary room, meeting the surgeon, physio and anesthetist, over to HDU for blood pressure and heart rate checks etc and 2 delays to my operating time (1pm then reschedule for 3pm, i was told to get ready for 4pm. The nurse brought me my gown and she said she' be back to collect me and to get my robe and slippers on.

    At 3.50 she came in with an administrator and told me that my operation had been cancelled due to a failure with the flouroscope ( a machine that feeds live xray images to the surgeon). Its emergency back up battery had failed during the pre op test.

    I was trying to take it all in as the build up and stress was massive. I hadnt eaten since 6pm the previous evening or drunk anything since that morning..they said that they would try and reschedule for August 30th or Sept 2nd..i couldnt believe it. I felt totally numb..we were all crying (including the admin woman)...i suppose i should man up eh 'fairiesattack'...?

    If the machine had developed the fault during the operation with no back up power i would have been put on a life support machine, but couldnt be moved as this would almost certainly have lead to paralysis or worse. Its never good having a 4" cut across your throat with metal rods sticking out of the hole.

    The flouroscope is huge, you actually lie on a glass bed as the xray part is moved over you on a large hydraulic arm..i suppose it would have meant being kept in some sort of coma in a sterile environment until the thing could be repaired.

    So, as if 7 months of hell wasnt enough, ive got another wait and more pain and stress to look forward to as i prepare to go through it all again...

    My Dad called this morning and has been onto the hospital, theyre going to try and get me in on 17th so hopefully that will be confirmed this week.

    At least i havent ended up in a wheelchair.
    #43 funkyrimpler, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  4. Welcome back funky
    Bloody Nora how much does one have to take!!!!
    Here have a big massive hug
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Which hospital are you in Funky ? Sounds like a Ducati themed visit might be in order.....
  6. Hiya Nog,
    thats wouldve been the bollox mate, but im back home now. the hospital was the Nottingham Woodthorpe. Thats where i'll be returning, hopefully on the 17th.
    Cheers bud
  7. I was thinking the same funk. We could all come in lids and act as those angry bad bikers to force them to move? Did they the least let you have some morphine? It is a good days trip that is.
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  8. Thats rotten Funky,having to go through all the build up again. Shame it wasn't all done and dusted
  9. More importantly did you spy any fit nurses?.............All the best for next time.
  10. Bloody hell Funky that's tough mate, very sorry to hear about the hardships. Looking on the positive side, it shows that they were doing checks on the systems, and we all know what problems battery's are!

    Hope you get another date soon, and all the horror will be a distant memory.

    Chin up mate, good job you weren't having the op' in India today, as 1/2 the country has a power cut.:upyeah:
  11. Can you imagine the noise of all of us descending on the hospital. It would be like a scene from the Sons of Anarchy. Personally, I'd be well up for a ride from London to give you as much support as I could. Sorry for the little setback, but you seem to be approaching it in a very pragmatic and sensible way. I'm sure that everything will work out for the best. We are all thinking about you, wishing you all the best. Be strong, you're never alone. Ever :upyeah::upyeah:
  12. That's really shit:mad: the only positive is it was discovered before the start, keep us posted.

  13. did you ask them for some morphine anyway??
  14. Why would you have a 4 inch cut in your throat?

    Sounds a pisser espeially as you build up to it and get your mind ready
  15. You poor man :(
    I hope they sort you out soon x
    I am having an op soon .
    I go in once a year for life now.
    Anyway one of the last ones I got the train to cambs then taxi to addenbrooks nil by mouth at stupid Am have to be there by 7 am and nobody to drive me .

    I had my pre op got into my gown and bed and waited .. And waited ..
    Eventually a nurse came round and suddenly realised I was not on THE LIST !!!! They had changed the date and not told me.
    Or anyone else .. Because I'd checked in .. Had my pre op and was gowned up.

    No surgeon was present to do my op.
    I was so upset and angry as its a real faff getting there .
  16. Gordon Bennett! All that stress for nowt!

    You poor bustard.

    Oh well, back to the models for a couple of weeks. Maybe you could make a 1:10 scale model of a fluoroscope...

    Now we are all going to have to get wound up worrying about you for a second time.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. hi folks. my rescheduled operation is for tomorrow so hopefully i'll be back on here with my enlightened comments in the very near future.
  18. Sending you good wishes for tomorrow funky :)
  19. Our thoughts are with you. Looking forward to see you back to your best :upyeah:

  20. All the best for tomorrow..
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