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24hrs until my spinal surgery

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. :upyeah:
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  2. Get well soon funkster...:upyeah:
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  3. thanks mate...your sentiments are very kind and your offer of a drink is particularly encouraging.
  4. Good news,all the best for a full and speedy recovery:upyeah:
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  5. Good to hear the op went well.

    Keep up the Physio, it will pay off big style. I did not push myself, and gave in early .... and I'm now paying for it.

    Keep up the posts, and updates.
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  6. I'd like to join in with the rest of the community and say welcome back. We're all glad it went well and wish you all the best for a speedy and full recovery. Hope to see you out there soon :upyeah:
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  7. Great stuff, hope the recovery goes to plan mate
  8. Nice to have you back funky, hope they left your sense of humour in tact and the recovery goes well.
    Apologies to El Toro for my previous post, I am currently visiting a mate who is paralysed from the waist down do to radio therapy on a tumor at the base of his spine, I must have lost my sense of humour for a mad moment.
  9. Aww understandably I'm sure your stressed it's upsetting times when your family and friends are poorly
    Thank goodness for firm friends
  10. How ya doing today funky
  11. Stiff as a board would be my guess.....but I hope you loosen up enough for the trampolining class this afternoon m8! :eek:
  12. Really!!!! :-O

    Oh you mean :)
  13. No that was about 6 this morning... Oh we're talking about something else are we.....
  14. Hi Funky

    Glad to hear the op went ok and that you are on the road to recovery

    Chin up and and keep it cool with the physio's they do know what they're doing and it pays dividends in the long run
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  15. Apology accepted. Thank you.

    I try to make light of these types of situations cos I had a malignant tumour too on my back six years ago. Thankfully the operation to remove it was a success (think I posted a pic of the scar on here after someone asked about it, but I can't find it now). It was scary at the time but I got through it with the support and humour of my family and friends. And a bloody great hole in my back hasn't stopped me doing all the things I like either (snowboarding inc tricks, scuba diving, biking etc - and I'm an old giffer too!)

    Your mate is probably coping better than you think with the situation. I think I did too. It's everyone around you that seems to do the suffering, if you know what I mean. Your friend will welcome some piss taking and laughs. Trust me. :smile:
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  16. Glad your op went ok :)

    Sorry to hear about all your crappy things that have been happening.

    Things can only go from strength to strength now!

    I was brought up by my stepDad
    We had out clashes but now he is my Dad !
    He rang me to tell me he'd included me in stuff added as his daughter..
    He has 3 actual daughters by blood but 2 cleared off and when he was in intensive car after a massive heart attack they did not want to know.

    I will always be there for him as he is for me !
    I've called him Dad for years.

    Get well soon ..
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  17. just for reference i absolutely will not tolerate any piss taking over this matter.

    heres my diary for next week (seriously)...monday-surgeon, tuesday-GP, Wednesday-therapist, Thursday-take car to garage, Friday-physio.

    im living life right on the very edge...of tedium.

    i cant get any money for august too either due to the balls up with my cancelled operation. in the confusion i didnt request another one so its left a gap in my sick notes.. this is what ive been told by the Doctor who isnt my regualr Doctor, but wrote up my last note..apparently he cant/wont backdate it. When i see my regular GP next week i'll gently see if he can do something about it.
    Im off until the start of November, so if im well enough and ive got any money, or anyone to go away with, i think i might have a crafty cheap week somewhere sunny so i at least feel like ive had some sort of break from the 5hit that has been 2012.
  18. Crikey you've got it easy, most of us have to go to work ![​IMG]
  19. ;-) oh bugger I'm off last week in September
    Surely the doctor can back date a note for you fingers crossed
  20. Hope you get the note sorted! It's not as if you cancelled is it! Keep up the good work with the physio and the holiday is well earned!
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