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748 25k Late 748r Auction

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by RC1, Oct 3, 2023.

  1. @Guillaume69 that's a very temperamental couple of lines there, don't you think? You can "wank your gloves to flies" for as long as you like, but loose unqualified assumptions and onerous personal interpretations to what are long established international terms in the automotive industry hardly gives any creditworthiness nor proves a point for that matter. You are reading much more in those certificates you have at hand to what they actually are. In fact, that cross-community harmonisation of standards was the cornerstone of what all these quoted EU directives and regulations have tried to instill: that a certificate of conformity (in French: Certificat de Conformité Européen) is a certificate of conformity across the board (and afforded no dual or other interpretation, nor subordinated by attestations or declarations).

    Nonetheless, as a matter of etiquette, I will rest my case on this, sharing for the purposes of this post what a certificate of conformity reads on its header (here being a duplicate issued for my MV example). Notice the magic of standards (or EU harmonisation if you prefer): even with absolutely no knowledge of Italian, you will get the gist that you are holding (what is) a certificate of conformity.

    Screen Shot 2023-10-10 at 08.40.30.png
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  2. @Nick_996

    Thanks for showing us the header of an Italian CoC. Bravo! Realise, though, that this would be useless to register a bike in any other country than… Italy. I gave you a French version because it’s all I have and what I used in a real case. I tried to translate it in English for more clarity. That doesn’t make it any less genuine, of course. I’ll see if I can find a Dutch or German one to post here, since « étiquette » seems at stake… :rolleyes:

    Rest assured that until your last statement, there was absolutely nothing temperamental at all on my side. I was absolutely at peace. :upyeah::)

    Now, when you write this:

    « […] loose unqualified assumptions and onerous personal interpretations to what are long established international terms in the automotive industry hardly gives any creditworthiness nor proves a point for that matter. […]»,

    You force me, sir, into a very personal argument, which I do not enjoy at all. You seem the passive agressive type.
    Out of interest, how many vehicles have you personally imported inside the EU? I have (very) patiently tried to explain with real life exemples that pretty much everything you wrote above is wrong. Your understanding of imports inside the EU is totally inaccurate. You don’t agree? Fine. Just don’t insult me or my experience in the matter.

    PS: I will no longer be reading your comments as I blocked you to continue to enjoy this forum in a peaceful and untroubled manner.
    #22 Guillaume69, Oct 10, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2023
  3. So, is £8000 not a bad price for a 748R?
  4. @Guillaume69 Trust that you have taken this public message exchange a step too far and needlessly turning it into an uncomfortable public confrontation. Differences of opinion are, and should be, respected. Needless to say that this goes both ways. Allow me to extend an apology, should you have found any of my carefully pitched replies or comments as personally insulting to you in any way, shape or form.

    I feel that there is no need for me to delve into your latest short-tempered and heated public reply (which includes blatant personal and intimidating references). I would rather prefer to stand corrected, if proved in error (rather than having my replies passively designated as nuked and the person nuking them comfortably pulling a disappearing/blocking act thereafter). Notwithstanding the above, you should appreciate that all comments contribute to the knowledge base of this forum.
    #24 Nick_996, Oct 10, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. I can contribute a little to this discussion (not the boxing gloves bit) having imported my 916SPS to France last year. I can confirm that my certificate of conformity is identical to Guillaume's - the dealer in Reims did tell me that the images were sent to Bologna for validation. For example, I needed to replace the carbon termis for the original metal silencers before they would validate it. Also speedo and headlamp reflector. And it cost 250 euro and 6 months!... for the record Triumph sent me a CoC for the Speed Triple for free in 2 days.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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