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40 Years Since Thatcher

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by richgilb, May 6, 2019.

  1. I can see why Thatcher got voted in, I suppose what I'm getting at is did she improve things like British leyland (Manufacturing in general ?), train services, local councils, refuse collections ?
  2. She's dead. May she rot in hell. Some people love her. Why? Because she bought them. Cheap homes. Doesnt matter that she tore the fabric of our society apart to these people, because they made money and thats all that matters. As long as they are alright, fuck everyone else. She took us to a selfish society, where the individual is all that matters, fuck society. Fuck the poor, fuck the common worker. Her followers are self interested, self entitled parasites. Fuck them too and fuck all tories. Today we live in the consequences of thatcher. Soon England will be an island on its own. Where these parasites can feed on each other and the remnants. The Union is dissolved, its only a matter of time and I for one cannot blame them anymore. We're on a sinking ship and you can trace the germination right back to her.

    Boris Fucking Johnson, I mean ffs. Gove?? Fucking hell. These are some of the candidates. It's a fucking joke without any laughs. Ledsom? Good grief people. May was shite, but the replacement is like swapping a cretin for a fuckwomble and being pleased with the deal.

    I despair at this crap hole of a country. We deserve what we get and it will be a shafting which ever way you look at it.

    Labour are a bunch of cunts too.

    Not exactly erudite narrative, but thats all this fucking topic deserves.
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  3. no allan. she closed the industries directly or introduced policies that would lead to the decline of the industries and their suporting unions.
    because an island and sea fairing nation that had just struck more oil than kuwait doesent need ship building, steel and associated heavy engineering. they did need cheep labour to build london. and enginners ect to get into the finance sector. in london. and the S/E
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  4. That's kind of what I thought, I can see why Thatcher (Tories) got voted in at the time, but was it just for the sake of change and not based on their ideas / policies.
    I've never understood how it can be said that things were 'fixed' - I suppose it could be seen that manufacturing was a problem, so by closing it down it's been fixed, funny logic though to me.
  5. Actually, the ideal would be 5 years hung Parliament, followed by 5 years hung Parliament, followed by 5 years hung Parliament, followed by ...
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  6. and talking of the "unions". and holding a gun to our Govs. in the last two or three years, we are seeing london based unions attepting to paralize our gov up here. it started with the unequal pay dispute in glasgow negotiated by the then, labour administration with the backing of the unions for femail emplyees about 10-15years ago, and the millions the labour administrations spent in court fees defending the pay award and the many many millions that now has to be found by the people of glasgow to cover the back pay.
    since being rejected by the people of glasgow the unions are playing hard ball. they are encouring their english organisations to accpt 2-3% pay rises while demanding 10-12% pay rises for their counterparts up here. organising stikes and holding us to ransom.
    fuck the unions. fuck labour. fuck the torys. fuck the media and the lack of holding them to account.
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  7. So Thatcher’s and Reagan’s wheeling and dealing didn’t result in the toxic debt debacle we suffered and are still suffering from, or is the time of austerity over ?
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. It's interesting for me to read these so-called political threads, with not too much input from myself i know. What is apparent is the absence of any one of you apart from me to declare your support for any political party. So anarchy it is then comrades or has any one else the conviction to declare their allegiance to a political party fit for government ?
  9. hmm. :thinkingface:
    speaking as an ex lib/lab kinda guy.
  10. That is the nature of politics isn’t it which is why arguing it on an Internet forum is usually pointless? I’m not likely to be able to change your mind and we are all likely to make assumptions on peoples political beliefs based around a few characters written down here.
  11. Ex SDP then bro, but what are you now ?
  12. I don't at the moment, but I am working on it.

    For a few years I voted LibDem, mainly because Labour and Conservatives campaigns seemed to be based largely on why i shouldn't vote for the other party.
  13. You’ll hate this Portboy, but I don’t have a strong conviction any way nowadays. There simlyy isn’t a political party that I’m 100% in agreement with. I just believe overall that it needs adjusting every few years because 1 or the other for too many years just doesn’t work.
    #213 Symon Moore, Jun 12, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Yes but its nice to know your enemies (opposites) Symon, otherwise your dealing with invertebrates.
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  15. i guess i am still an SDP kinda guy then. but i swaped the "D" for an "N". mostly because of their track record.
  16. Good man Doris, so its anarchy for you at the moment then ?
  17. Pink tory to nationalist don't sound right to me bro. But there we are...
  18. No, not anarchy - hopefully I will have made a decision before the next GE.

    Doris ?
  19. and fucjk the media for not holding them to account and the disparity/ill informed consequecies
    pink torys? :D
    and fuck the media for not holding them to account and keeping you ill informed. keep backing labour bud. done you proud so they have.
  20. That is a rather simplistic look but I appreciate you think that. In government, if you have ships to build and are responsible to the tax payer, then it goes out as a spec to build and companies apply. The companies who can achieve that spec at the best price are inevitably those who get the work.

    Should we say U.K. first? Absolutely but of those same people who say that, some are also those who deride trump when he says america first, make your mind up.

    The one thing you can never say about Thatcher, is she never said U.K. second.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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