44 Teeth, Finally They Get Something Correct.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wayne58, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Chris has been fairly absent of late I thought. I know he has a business so I guess he's been busy with that also, but I wonder if he's suffering a little from the toll that doing this takes. They must put hours in.

    In other news I watched a bikeworld vid yesterday with Chris Northover, he's a proper journo, I really like his stuff, he's got character. Then I watched a Fastbikes one with 3 f*cking miserable northerners and it's so easy to see why they only have 50k subs and the mag is on it's arse, even the production quality was shocking.

    Oh, and Toad from Visordown, he can't even get the stats for bikes right...

    I like the techy guy from Benetts though that does all the tests on chain lubes etc, maybe I shouldn't admit that.
  2. Chris on Bikeworld is a solid presenter, I used to not like 44t but their lockdown shows with the wigs was funny.
    Visor down/f bikes/Nevesy I swerve.
    #242 outintheopen, Dec 1, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2021
  3. I like Chris Northover as well. Really underrated and just a decent bloke tbh.

    Micheal Neeves is a top bloke, crossed paths with him numerous times and kind of know his brother Ben. Nice people
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Some of the content can be a bit ‘merica fuck yeah, but this was a great episode.

    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. The latest 44T video was one of their funniest.
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