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748 5 Spoke Marchesini’s Wanted

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Slingy123, Sep 30, 2021.

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  1. Best to think of it in smaller terms, a giro that I had as a kid is a Heavy wheel in a frame that comes to a point at the top and bottom. You wrap a string round it and pull as hard as you can to spin the wheel as fast as you can and the giro stands up on its own and is hard to stop and extremely stable.
    However, a plastic spinning top from a Christmas cracker has hardy any weight, they are unstable and easy to stop.
    It’s the same for the wheels on a bike.

    the mag swing arm lengthened the wheelbase and changed the forces active on the frame without having to add weight to the frame.
    If you want to experience this yourself, spin the triple clamp tube round to race position and go for a spin!

    lack of stability is not a nice feeling
    • Like Like x 1
  2. its carbon wheels that throw up the problems in the most extreme.
    Mag wheels were the trade off between aluminium and carbon for racing
  3. feel is everything on a bike and if a rider doesn’t feel stable how can you possibly put down good times and push the limits when you always feel your over your limit! It didn’t translate to good racing results.
  4. a gp carbon wheel has weight added to the rim inside the carbon casting. Moto go is the prototype class!
  5. I can remember when vr46 had to have weight added to his bike at ducati because it was under weight.
    So even the gp class has limitations where weight is concerned.
  6. oh dear....
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I was thinking the same thing.
  8. Get yourself to the naughty step :joy::joy::joy:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. I can't quite figure out how much of this debate is serious and how much is tongue in cheek. This is what I know.
    The lighter the wheels, the less your un-sprung mass. This means that your suspension has to work less to dampen the wheels. This will result in less energy and less power being consumed from the engine.
    It is more difficult to move or steer a rotating mass than a stationary mass (try to move a spinning bicycle wheel ). If you reduce the mass and specifically the rotating inertia , the force required to move or steer the mass is reduced significantly. Putting lighter wheels on your bike will reduce the steering forces a lot and therefore have a significant positive influence on driver fatigue. Try to workout in a gym with half the weight and see how much longer you can last. However, lighter isn't necessarily better as it matters greatly where the mass is. Closer to the centre of the wheel means greatly reduced rotating inertia. So two wheels of the same weight can have very different positive benefits or feeling.
    I have never heard of anyone fitting heavier wheels to help with high speed stability. That's just nonsense in my humble opinion.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. Let me know.how it goes bolting extra weight on your wheels.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. nope, both sets sold as soon as they were mentioned on here. I was offered a set of normal 5 spoke Marchi’s but ideally I would prefer the magnesium ones if I can find some for not silly money.

    So the hunt is still on. :cool:
  12. You will be pleased to know I’ve have bought some 5 spoke Marchi’s…. The upside is I had to buy a 996S to get them :grinning::grinning:
    • Like Like x 5
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. OEM ally by the looks off it. It’s a 2001 996S with grey frame and wheels
  14. We've popcorn at the ready, so just load up the pictures when you're ready old fruit.
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  15. By your man maths I end up with a spare set of wheels, with my man maths I end up with an extra bike :D
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  16. 36525070-99BB-4015-8519-3CD08A1F3FE2.jpeg 7643F211-9CCA-4198-8C67-DB81CD41295C.jpeg 01B91F5B-D5A9-410E-9BC9-87699FBFB816.jpeg
    It’s not super mint, but not excessively rank either. It’s had a little spill at some point so has a cracked seat unit and scuff on RHS panels. Apart from that it has usual engine paint patina, and enough tyre gel to kill me on the first slight bend !!! Tyres will be replaced and probably a nice fresh full respray, or swap the carbon over, who knows !
    • Like Like x 2
  17. Jesus christ that space's filling up nicely.:upyeah:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. There is another that’s currently at my work.. my little £300 winter hack bargain :D

    • Like Like x 1
  19. £300, sounds like you robbed the previous owner.;)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
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