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6 Die In Motorcycle / Car Collision

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by St.Evenage, Jul 22, 2024.

  1. let's hear what they say at the completion of the investigation. Lots of speculation, but if they actually had to go and find the driver of the "third vehicle " rather than him/her coming forward, it doesn't bode well for a truthful testimony from what looks like the only person alive to tell the tale/ a tale (moo) yes, somebody will tell me that the forensic say blah blah blah, it's true that impact speed is always relevant when it comes to apportioning blame.
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  2. So how would they know? Even dash cam footage wouldn’t establish this.
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  3. and, to be fair, vice versa
    • Agree Agree x 6
  4. I frequently have sports cars trying to “race” me when on my bikes, especially the Panigale or S1000rr (when I had that). I just ignore them, let them go and keep a safe distance. Most people know a bike would completely out perform a car but it doesn’t stop them trying.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. Fragile little man egos lol
  6. 0-60 Car. Unless you’re MotoGP skill level, a super car will do you off the lights.

    60-150 bike, easy. This is where a (super) bike excels.

    150-200+ car.

    All straight line stuff of course. Cornerspeed? Car again. Braking power. Car again. So basically unless you’re Pecco level skills on a V4S, don’t take on a super car on the twisties. It’s also easier (and safer) to get to a car’s limits. Bikes are very difficult to ride very fast. Cars not so much…
    • Agree Agree x 9
  7. Racing cars with a bike is a mugs’ game as most drivers don’t understand that while a bike will spank them in acceleration phases, it will need to brake earlier than the car and so they’re quite likely to ram you off the road when you arrive at the first corner.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  8. I had someone on an S1000RR trying to race me in the M5 a few weeks ago. There genuinely was nothing in it, but I just let him go, as he was determined to get away from me. I don’t want to be involved with that.
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  9. Proper fast road riders are few and far between. You do get the odd skilled nutter that can ride the wheels off a bike. I simply wouldn’t dare do what they do on a bike. It’s Russian Roulette.

    I’ve had them shoot past me then run wide at the next left hander… :scream: :skull::skull::skull:… Not good.
    #49 Fairy Cringe, Aug 8, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2024
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  10. The same way they knew a Porsche was involved in the first place. Other vehicles saw what happened. Its a pretty busy stretch of road.
  11. Sounds like me..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I never play with cars. Other bikes are fine, but never 4 wheels.

    Generally, you can gauge the ability of a fellow rider within a matter of seconds, that doesn’t tend to be the case with drivers.

    I leave well alone.

    You can google a crash that happened in Leeds a few years ago involving a Ferrari SF90. It swapped ends coming out of a tunnel on the inner ring road and hit one of our vans, putting it on it’s side.

    It appeared the drivers wallet was bigger than his ability.
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  13. 100%. If conditions are sub optimal, cack handed drivers can be facing the wrong way very quickly. There’s tons of YouTube vids with mega rich Arabs stoofing top drawer cars right, left and centre. Not many twisties in Dubai to practice on…

    Also, if you fancy a laugh, watch Nurburgring crashes. Ambition outweighing talent aplenty.
  14. Yep. A lot of youngish drivers will have never driven anything that doesn't have ABS and ten kinds of traction control, so they have no idea how to save it when it lets go, at which point they realise that such aids are merely software rather than magic and that the laws of physics still apply. Plus, of course, with the huge power outputs that even relatively humdrum cars enjoy these days, when it all does go wrong, they're travelling very very quickly indeed, which makes it even less likely they'll get themselves sorted out before hitting something or ending up pointing backwards in a hedge.
  15. Yep, these jammy young billionaires won’t have a clue about COG in relation to mid, rear or front mounted engines. Makes enormous difference to how a car handles. And as you say, physics will always come out on top over the electronic pixies…
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