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748, talk to me :)

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by fred11, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. 916SPS every time. The end.
  2. Thing is, 5 year age difference.. Or it's doesn't matter with these old Ducs? Will the sps handle and go as well as the 748?
    not really bothered to much if it's fragile as I'm used to running old pieces of shit
    #122 fred11, Dec 24, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  3. Now I'm not suggesting old Ducatis are pices of shit before anyone gets the hump! :p
    #123 fred11, Dec 24, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  4. Big difference in 5 years, the 748 should have the new charging system, 550w generator and 3 phase stator along with various other changes , not bullet proof but a big step forward. I can vouch as I am currently replacing the stator and reg rec on a mates. 97 748!

    There were general build quality improvements made the newer the bike.
  5. Were the rocker issues sorted with the later 996 style 748's?
  6. Nothing wrong with the original charging system just poor connectors creating problems. As for better build quality?
  7. Any links to the 916SPS? Alledgedly the most 'racebike' like of all the 916/718 bikes from what i have read.
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  8. The dealer did say, as well as the original exhaust, it also comes with the original number plate.
    Apparently the owner also runs a Bentley among other things. The only mark I noticed was a small scuff to the righthand fairing. Not much though.
  9. Original Number Plate hanger etc is a must for me, there is 'slightly cheaky' and 'pushing it!' and that number plate is asking to get pulled. Sounds like it's a clean bike. Any Updates?
  10. I thought the 916SP was the most like a race bike
  11. Has a bike been bought yet?

    Couchy had bought and sold 4 Ducatis since the thread started.
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  12. No update. Been busy with family/Christmas :)

    Would like both the sps and r to be honest. That would be a bit greedy though. I haven't really kept an eye on these bikes until very recently, do the early sps's come up for sale from time to time or is it quite rare? Now it's got a fair mileage on it but it just feels like it will be a easier finding a good r then a 97 sps in the future? That's yellow r is tantalizing though :) mmmm
  13. yellow just does it for me! :)
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  14. Nice. 2k over priced but very nice. Wheels need toning down a little..
  15. Those wheels are magnesium aren't they? Without the groves in the spokes? Are they original ducati or aftermarket marchesini? All it needs is a standard number plate and it will be good.

    But.... It's £3k more than the 748 so u need to decide what u want!
  16. Its 3k more bike tho :upyeah:
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  17. That SPS is stunning. Looks like it has everything with it too. I would want to know its history though as its an import.. And yes they do look like magnesium wheels plus the originals as well.
  18. Gonna struggle to buy any bike right now due to christmas but of money was not an objectalloc would you buy the 748r of the 916sps? You can only chose one!
  19. 748r, think it will be more fun, more free revving potentially and ever so slightly lighter handling with a 180 rear.
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