Which is the worst “special” tool ever made. And, as you know, not needed on the 748r as it has Ohlins forks. NB The last fact never stopped me from ensuring the axle was aligned though or it just looks wrong.
Strangely enough i reinstalled my front wheel in yesterday and your right ...rubbish with the pricey fork brand, i'd to aligned it up before finally inserting and then tighened up the pinch bolts first on the O.S.
Hi Chris, that's the torx key for the screen screws, I think there are three new ones and one OEM (5mm probably) missing which has been replaced with two of the new ones
Well XH’s is errr disappointing in all departments, he’s no bathe it daily for sure. Too many Stellas me thinks.
I wondered what that was for! Is this the missing tool? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12465596...el:748&hash=item1d06130ee8:g:qYAAAOSwjAxgX55P If so probably worth a tenner to get the kit a bit more complete. Cheers Neil
yes, that's the one Neil, haven't looked lately but that seems a bit "rich" just for the one tool.. EDIT having said that, it is a bit elusive. Out of interest found this on my search:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/383488179765?epid=14037666189&hash=item5949ad3e35:g:b~EAAOSwoAlfftqr
Neil, you can refit the axle without that item, but nice for a complete set when changing out wheels.
Axle alignment tool and screwdriver (looks pretty close to the original!) have arrived and everything given a good clean and polish
"strong contender" ^^ - I was in proximity to many of these sets in various flavours today but forgot to complete an entry.