Hi Verney As you and others have said, the standing time is the clue. Could be many things, I remember 749/999 owners always mention the fuel pump relay and connector next to the battery box playing up/suffering from corrosion at terminals so could possibly be the source albeit intermittently. Above suggestions plus bound to be more help along soon. I guess you've searched Forums for similar already but in case you haven't:- https://www.google.com/search?q=749...ome..69i57.4589j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 The cure on Visordown is a good one - apparently debris in the tank moving backwards on acceleration and blocking the fuel pump intake..
Morning all.. thanks so much for all your help I really do appreciate it . To be clear on the ignition lights they dont go on and off they are as they should be... I'm off to strip and play this morning .. will keep you all posted on the findings ... you have all given me lots to check.. once again many thanks Vern