Update: Despite being charged up on Saturday, bike wouldn't start on Sunday morning after the above posting. Had a serious think and realised that since my trickle charger had stopped working a couple of months ago, I had been using a car charger to charge the battery.....yes, I know...how dumb is that! Nipped to bike shop and bought a new battery and a new trickle charger. While I was out I also bought a Halfords earth lead to slave between -ve terminal and engine (leaving original in place). All went well yesterday - bike started no probs and lasted all day at Brands just fine. Clocked 13.9V whilst exiting Clearways...this is my new measure of track success!! Moral: Don't eff about with car chargers, they fry your battery. Cost me 95 quid to learn this obvious fact!! Hopefully that's it all sorted. R
I took my OE Ducati one to my local scrap yard and matched it to a heavy duty one off a MK5 Golf. Cost £1, instant results!
I've just ordered some cable and crimps from eblag... See how that goes. Mine can be a bit of a lazy arse to get going, concerns me a bit as these bikes suck the life out of a battery if they don't fire PDQ!