Been two weeks since I wrote so thought I'd tell you what happened. Tracked the problem to the pump so removed this from the tank and began to dig deeper. Pump would spin up when I checked the pump motor but would work through the tank flange connector. Looked harder and the silicon 'potting' in the connector body was soft and that the wires were 'tracking' through the case. Got some good auto electricians to have a good play and they removed the potting compound and replaced it with a new compound, re-soldered all the joints and it worked perfectly! Went to Baines Racing yesterday, bought a new fuel filter and O ring, and reassembled today. Now runs like a new bike .... Checked on the Internet and it may be the higher amount of ethanol and additives that are refined into modern petrol could be the answer to the connector plug packing up ... One to watch for !!!!!! Thanks again for all your help, couldn't have done it without you ..... Martyn
I enjoyed that read. :biggrin: This man would have been proud of that investigation........ View attachment 17942
Me again. I have the lhs fairing off and can't find this bolt. Do i need to get the battery compartment off again to see it? Or is it under the rhs? Not too hot on mechanics so don't even know what a starter motor looks like
I thought they were turbos but didn't want to look stupid if they weren't Is the motor finished now Steve? Thanks for the picture/help, have found the starter now, thanks.