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848 Dyno Ecu Tune Improvement Guess??

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by comesunt, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. When I bought my SF at the time I also had the 848 Evo in the garage which didnt come with TC so I turned it off on the SF, it is more fun to ride it like that :)
  2. I tend to agree that good fueling is prevention, and TC is cure.
    Rather have ABS than TC on my SF.
  3. And of course TC only works on traction loss caused by excessive or ham-fisted power input. It can't read the road surface and lay down grip in front of you where there is none.
  4. That is so true and funnily enough had a conversation today and I did say that TC is your right hand on the throttle, if you can't control it maybe its not a good idea to buy a 195hp bike :)
  5. 848 doesn't need TC, turn it off
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. No bikes need TC; it's obviously a flawed concept and I shall remove mine immediately...

    At the same time I'll start adjusting my ignition timing by hand; the good old way...
    Additionally I'll throw my GPS navigation in the bin and use an AA atlas; of better still get a sextant or use shadow sticks...
  7. Don't forget to take your water diviners with you on your next bike trip in case you get thirsty :)
  8. 848 and tc = lack of confidence
  9. yeah; what ever...

    sure all the 899 units have been disconnected by their owners..,
  10. Really and why is that then?
  11. i'd regard it as total confidence in the TC system...
  12. Only speaking from experience, having had an 848 and an Evo which was sorted by CJS. Never had issues early opening throttle. Better rubber is a better bet than trusting tc.

    Can see a benefit in the wet, but not dry
  13. I can say TC works wonders on Belgium motorways in torrential rain with a gusting side wind and the inside lane full of French lorries while heading for a ferry your going to miss anyway :)
  14. 848 is now a track only bike. I've had the back end step out on me in both the wet and dry on a few occasions. Most times I found myself ignoring it and cracking on; but once i throttled off and it was a near high-side in the making...

    Saving one high side pays for itself.

    Weird how 848s are considered too low power for TC; when they kick out more bhp than the old GSXR 1100 RRs.
    When you consider bike and rider weights; power to weight ratio for me and my 848 is about the same, as my mate and his R1

    The top riders trust them 100%; and as a bit of a fan of technology, I now do the same...
  15. Bit strange the 899 is only 10 hp improvement on 848 Evo and that has TC and I would say less torque, I have TC on Streetfighter 848, When I was running it alongside the evo I never turned the TC on the SF on, as didnt see the point one bike having it the other not.
    Now the 848 Evo Corse SE has got TC but no extra hp over the std Evo.

    When I got the 899 and ran that along side the SF I turned TC on as I now had it on both bikes, because of that I started powering out of corners and on roundabout exits more and I got it to step out a fair bit, first few times I pooped but soon got used to it and put some trust in it to the point I could still keep throttle open as it stepped out but the TC would cut in and keep it all inline :)
  16. Everyone wants latest gizmos, hence 899 Tc. My gixer has 170 hp, no TC and good quality tyres.

    Probably reason it nearly highsided is because you backed off the throttle and it gripped agressively, rather than drive thru and it grips gradually. Its 99% the reason for a highside

    Would I have it on mine? Gixer probably, less than a 1098 nope
  17. Ask Kope if you can trust Tc, even top end stuff, wont gurantee you wont highside. The best Tc is that thing in your right and and any feeling in yer arse
  18. I know a lad who has a S1000RR, the first and only litre supersports bike he's ever had. He's never ridden it in Slick or with the TC turned off because the thought of doing so scares him, yet he routinely pins the throttle mid corner to get the fastest exit he can as he tries to keep up with his vastly more experienced track riding and road racing mate. One day that little box will go wrong. Or he'll forget himself and get on someone else's bike (like his mate's) which hasn't got it. Technology can be a fine servant but a terrible master. In his case it is teaching him how not to ride a bike.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Exactly; and on most occasion I have not throttled off and it's been fine; but on at least one occasion it was not the case.
    it's like house insurance; not required, if you can be sure your house won't catch fire
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