Yeah it was fine once I had been moving for a little bit but after a few sets of lights (3 I think it was) it was getting a bit to hot for my liking. Im a metallurgist to trade and used to make steel and iron for a living so I know what hot is, just don't expect my ass to get toasted while on my bike.
It wouldnt be a big minus to the bike, its just a triat of the engine, they run hot. Its a v v small sacrafice to me in my opinion :wink: No harm....keeps you warm :biggrin:
Yeah definitely, hoping to have the 899 run in by the time June comes around again and take that up there. With the quick shifter it should prove to be a lot quicker
I might bring my putt putt to this too and 899 with QS will be quicker and easier to launch without a doubt.See you there.
Please do let me know,its not as easy as most think it is,its all about the launch,front wheel control and rear wheel spin control.As many good folks will testify who know me from other Ducati sites ,I don't do corners...
Well on a drag run if your going round a corner me thinks your doing something wrong lol The 899 has traction control plus the quick shifter so I am hoping I can launch it off the line without throwing the front up in the air. My 848 evo was a pig in 1st & 2nd all it wanted to do was lift and it would even come up in 3rd if you worked the throttle properly
Lol,the trick with wheelie control is to put you weight through the pegs and not via the bars when accelerating hard.If you hang onto the bars,you will wheelie like a b*stard and unload the power smoothly and progressively. I was lucky enough to do a 10.91 @ 123 mph on my old 748R with the worse slipper clutch known to man and a 10.01@148 mph on my 08 blade both with filter,pipes and PC111 ( blade only) and no other mods. But I am completely crap at doing track days hence my comment on not doing corners. I can't wait to try my current new putt putt at the strip,it is a 2013 ZZR1400 which should be adequate for this purpose.
I'd love my K6 gixer to be half as quick as that one you had Stu...and I've seen you ride, corners aren't that much of a challenge
I still miss my K6,what a bonkers bike that was.I remember following you ( or trying to ) a few years ago around Sussex when you had your ST and definitely thinking and knowing that I couldn't.I can still see in my minds eye you re lean angles.Very impressed fella.