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'93 900 Supersport Rebuild Thread

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Desmoquattro, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Cleaned out headlight, seemed to have "mist" on inside now sparkly. Also got dash and some electrics on. Had to make a wee bracket for HID unit. Also gotta make one for other side as subframe is for a later model and have to mount main fuse. Original was rusty and bent.

  2. Head light, a view of the wiring so far, and the bracket I had to make for the master fuse. As you can see the subframe is missing it on the later ones. The early wiring used superseal connectors the connect to the front loom. I have made a loom for the main part, the original front loom is ok so I will use it meantime. Using Contralube on all connections, cleaning connections as I go. The newer Supersports had a single multi-pin connector joining front and rear looms.






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  3. Collected my Ricambi Weiss panels yesterday, hes the single seat. Attempeted putting one of the number boards on and ended up with several tiny bubbles which were quite noticable. Took it off again and reckon ill just get it laquered again without. The other panels will be easier to put stickers on as they are smaller than the massive number board.

  4. Lol, had to order new number boards from Image works, thicker to go on after laquer. Apparently easier to fit. May use the water method
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. yep soapy water gives time enough plus extra.
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  6. Yeah, learnt a lot from failure of first one. Now know how to take bubbles out too. The number boards are the toughest to do cause of the size of sticker and the contours of the seat hump
  7. Panels after stickering tonight, one side better than the other, some small bubbles again but itll do. They are going to get relaquered as you can perhaps see the finish is not there yet.


  8. What was a great tank already (mostly rust free!) Improved wuth the addition of por-15 sealer. I added a cigaretter charger socket for sat nav/phone

  9. I don't know about your decals with air bubbles, but what is that finish in the paint? Looks like Crackle Red.:wink:

    You can get rid of air bubbles in the decals with a needle point or a very sharp scalpel point.

    Alternatively use soapy water and a squeegee to get rid of the bubbles as suggested, but don't push too hard, because the vinyl can ruck up or slip, so you have to pull it off again.
  10. Pump and new filter back in tank, making up a bracket for Shindengen SH775 mosfet R/R


  11. Also got a battery/charge monitor light as you lose the charge light with the R/R.

  12. Make sure you mount that monitor in an area where sun can't shine on it, otherwise you won't be able to see it (no, not up there)......

    ...and the large diameter LED version is very bright at night.

    I have the Sparkbrite one, but they are fundamentally the same if not identical.......they can be a bit confusing as to what is taking place.
  13. Thanks Al, its pretty big alright i will hide it partially with a cover of some sort.
  14. Mine is shown in the photo................Can't see it in bright sun, but is far too bright in the dark.......

    Sparkbrite do an auto-dimming version IIRC.

  15. Cool, your bikes so clean. I may fabricate some kinda cover
  16. I have a lot of camouflage netting if that helps.....
  17. Well, if anyone wants to know how to spend a small fortune on front forks for their SS, get them sorted by Maxton and replated at the same time. Not that I am complaining, as the front end is now set up sweet to match the Maxton shock on the rear. Panels should also be back from the painters in the not too distant future.





  18. Panels back today!

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