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996 Carbon Air Intakes

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Rosie, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. Ok. @Rosie
    Thanks for the photos. They’re not like my DP ones. Mine have a bent back tab inside at the front and the U sections inside for the cages. I unfortunately have to go into work this aft and if I can, i’ll Take a few photos of what it looks like.
    So maybe DP made two versions of the small air runners...
    But why would they make one with and one without unless your U sections were inside and they’ve just come off? Possible as a couple of the CF tabs on mine were missing when I bought the runners.

  2. Thinking about it... it might have been from when DP switched manufacturers.. (happened a few times).
    Another difference is mine don’t have the Ducati Performance printed on the outside. Just the little DP labels inside the runners...
  3. Just a thought but I could have race ones.
  4. Unlikely ,as they have indicator mounts.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Didn't think about that. Now I can make mounts for my original filters to go back in or just add an after market set to the mouth openings. Would it be better to keep to the originals ?
  6. Not if they're anything like the flimsy affairs that are OEM on a 999.
    The Pipercross filters are enormously better made.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. These are mine.

    34FE0B11-49F2-407F-885F-EA4EF4C83075.jpeg A3FD7A8E-6A9E-45B1-9ADD-B0E753E4679C.jpeg
  8. Thanks for the photos. Looks like you are right they are quite different. Will look to add a bmc or pipercross filter in the air box. Getting bike stripped down as having all the nuts and bolts re-anodised. Even when I thought the bike was very clean when I bought it last year you always find dirt everywhere.

    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. your standard filters wont fit you have to fit bmc,s or another good one jhp over trumpet set are really good and can be found cheaper.
  10. sorry forgot to say pipercross are very good i have them fitted and you can find them on ebay for less than 20 pound....
  11. I had a pipercross before i went BMC. I read, the veracity of which I cannot confirm, that you lose airbox volume and change the airflow with the over trumpet filters. I can confirm you mute the induction roar as I did notice this.

    Plus you get oily hands putting that damned pipercross thing on and one of the trumpets is awkward. So I found it a messy business.

    The BMC were fitted relatively easily. But its horses for courses I guess.
  12. i have a high performance ducati book written by ian faloon he is a god when it comes to the desmo engine and he states that the air tube filters are the best for the air box ressonence
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. sorry his name is spelt ian falloon its Ducati desmoquattro performance handbook its a right git to get hold of i paid 80 pounds for it and i now it sales for a couple of hundred know but it is the bible for desmo and if your doing your engine or bike for performance its the book to have as it will stop you doing any expensive mistakes..
  14. If you need to now anything about any stage i can copy the section out and email it to you if that would help
  15. I knew I'd read it somewhere. I have that book.
  16. The JHP/Piper over the trumpet type are not designed for the shower injector bikes, there is an MWR cage type one that is
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