Wow, that's a 100 quid saving! After reading up on it though, I was nervous of just replacing the oem as there are more than just the battery leads led off the terminals on the 749/999, hence the piggy backing by the motoelectric kit. Also, Motoelectric make all sorts of claims about quality compared to cheap automotive supplier solutions but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so it looks like Halfords is the way to go...
I was looking at the ME kit too but couldn't justify the cost of what is essentially 3 thicker battery leads, I thought that I'd try thicker bog standard ones as if it didn't work I would be no worse of in theory.... they worked like a charm.
How did you overcome the fact that the stock battery terminals also have other wires crimped into them? Did you crimp new terminals onto those and stack them onto the battery bolt? I already had pc3 and accessory socket terminals on mine, so I'd have had quietly a stack!
The optimate charge lead is stacked, no pc3 for me and the other I just cut the heat shrink off, tin leaded to it the copper then re-did the heat shrink as I had some large enough diameter laying around.
This is the difference. You're comfortable with a soldering iron and While I do own one, it's never had much use...
Sounds perfect. Always park on a hill, ditch the starter motor and save a shed-load of unnecessary weight!