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999 year 2000/01 Prototype - the Evidence...

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Exige, May 22, 2013.

  1. Senior moment :smile: the frame went red in 2007, see story above.
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  2. Thanks for putting that piece of the jigsaw into place :smile:
  3. Sorry, was just looking at the pictures, reading not a strong point.
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  4. bravo, great thread for all Ducati nerds!!
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  5. Don't blame you, it was a bit long winded!
  6. Sorry if I've missed it, what differentiates this bike as being as a fully built, back in the day prototype to that of a bike recently built from prototype, pre production and development parts?

    Either way, I should imagine Ducati aren't impressed a bike like that has fallen into private hands.
  7. Nothing, other than they would have had to find the full set of parts from 2000/2001 and put them all together in 2007 along side 4 other bikes that all ended up with production parts on them without any cross pollination. In the environment I work I just know this is not really possible after this length of time unless the bike had been together and stuffed in a dark corner somewhere. The parts pre-date the 5 pre production prototype 999 bikes also as they were visually identical to production models - including the forks, exhaust, tank, sub frame etc etc. It would also be difficult to answer why they would stick ST4S wheels and 998 brakes and footrest hangers on this one bike in 2007 too.

    No, I don't think they are impressed - they have stopped talking to me but I am currently trying to cir-cum navigate my way in!
  8. A bitsa's turned up, like an unwanted boil festuned with embrionic jizz plastered all over it , I wonder why it's not high on the welcome home list.
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  9. Welcome :upyeah:
  10. Sorry Exige,not meant to be derogatory, just how Ducati probably see it , carry on I'm enjoying the sluething.:upyeah:
  11. Well, they built it, then they modified it for marketing purposes so I can't think why, your words not their's. I don't think 'embryonic jizz' would translate in to Italian even if spelled correctly :wink:. In fact I'm really not sure what it means in English. Perhaps you were just after a reaction, not sure what else to say, so I'll say nothing :smile:
    #31 Exige, May 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2013
  12. I understand English and can assure you that, if I am not mistaken, Mr James is not being derogatory toward your posting. He appears to be making his comments from the perspective that Ducati are viewing your find as a biblical prodigal son.
  13. Did you speak to JHP? They claimed to have built them so I would have thought they would have more info than anybody
  14. Ah, I see - I don't understand the bible? :wink:
  15. I am certainly not aware that JHP ever claimed to have built them, when did they claim this? I think they have had involvement at some point, perhaps getting Mark's (formally of SanDisk) bike running (I need to ask him). I have e-mails from Ducati via Bonham's stating they were made (assembled) in Bologna by Ducati Corse and an e-mail direct from Ducati Italy telling me they used pre-serial bikes from R&D in Bologna. JHP is one of my current lines of inquiry however.
  16. Errrr I told you that in your other thread, they built them for PR purposes, they're bitsa's built out of spares as display bikes (as you have shown in your own PPT) one had no crank, I know (from another source) another, possibly the same had no loom.
  17. Another thing to note, they have the later swingarms not the 2003 cast version (also 2004 on non-R models) they ally swingarms appeared on the 2004 R model (I know as I had a 999R in 2004) so how could these be pre-production prototypes?
  18. Just remembered and re read your post as you were typing :) Really doesn't look like JHP built them though from what Ducati are saying. Will have that bit of the jigsaw sorted soon hopefully.
  19. The bike was modified in 2007 to replicate the Moto GP bike - the fairing, seat and swing arm was changed in 2007. This is the reason it managed to eventually come in to private hands. This bike doesn't have 2002 or 2003 of anything on it as it is much earlier, other than the swing arm and body work as I have previously stated. Looking at the evidence what else can it be do you think?
  20. You there at the back of the class...yes, YOU Mr Freak...you'll be getting an after school detention if you don't buck up your ideas and concentrate on the lesson!! :biggrin:
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