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999 year 2000/01 Prototype - the Evidence...

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Exige, May 22, 2013.

  1. This is an early 2003 999s frame with the same holes as your prototype .


  2. been reading this thread with some interest. A couple of years ago I was asked if I knew what this was:

    Now I know! Great research.

    I think Bursi went along with the original thinking:

    Again, great research and a nice find!​
  3. Yes, I believe a very few of the first frames went to Australia, it states in the book - later prototypes are always used for photo shoot's too, this would confirm this being Australian - but the first production bikes would have been built around June 2002 - it is MY03 but they started building around the middle of 2002.
    #43 Exige, May 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2013
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  5. Nothing much else to report but I have found someone with a back door in to Ducati who has promised to do a bit of snooping. Should hear in a week or so when my contact gets back from holiday.

    Also, I nearly scraped the paint off the head stock to reveal the mystery of the frame number at the weekend - it only appears to be 6 or 7 characters long but is obscured by the additional layer of red paint. I thought of running a scalpel around the area then carefully picking the paint off leaving an exposed neat rectangle around the number so I can leave it exposed with a bit of clear lacquer. Should I or shouldn't I?
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  6. Like the idea, but its one of those things, that if you start it and it goes wrong it'll look shite. Might be worth it though to find out what the numbers are as they could help you with your investigations.
  7. Any more news?
  8. Hi Tom,

    Not touched it - busy completing the extension to house it in :) I will attack the frame number as it definitely only has only 4 or 5 numbers prior to siting it in it's new home - got to be done I think to complete the investigation. I'll try an scalpel a neat rectangle out so it can be clear lacquered. Not too bothered about destroying a bit of paint which after all was added in 2006.

    When I purchased a set of Migliore Rear Sets last month for my 999R (advertised as for a 999) it through up another interesting fact which I would never have found. In the details I stated the footrest assemblies on the prototype were from a 998, as they look the same. The supposed 999 Migliore ones (as people on here had speculated) were in fact 998 fitment and wouldn't fit the 999 R or Prototype but fit my 998. So, what I thought were 998 standard assemblies on the prototype shouldn't fit. When checking further I found they were 998 style but manufactured for the 999 centres and appear sand cast with rough with hand finished mould split lines. That now makes every cycle part on the bike identified as prototype (other than what was added in 2006 to create the Stoner Promo Bike)
    Hope that made sense!
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  9. Have you tried a wax rubbing of the frame numbers? I know it's a bit school-boyish but could show something up? Or a photograph of the frame number manipulated in Photoshop could give you the numbers? I'd be happy to try and show them up if you send me the photo
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  10. Tried wax and pencil but nothing distinguishable came up. I can try and take a high res photo - didn't know that could be done in Photoshop! I think the issue is the additional red layer of paint. Thanks for the offer!
  11. I've taken a couple of shots - one which is a bit blurred seems to show an impression, the sharper one doesn't. Can't get in with a tripod and good light so might have to try when I get better access. I'll PM you my e-mail Tom, thanks.
  12. I spotted this thread the other night, was meant to bump it. Quite extraordinary really.
  13. Waiting out for the pictures so I can see what we can find :)
  14. Pictures sent - if it helps I think the most likely number (if I'm right in thinking it is 5 characters long from feeling the depressions) is ZDM01 although I haven't been able to distinguish any of the letters - just a guess from research.
  15. I can't see that with what you sent me, I could do with a couple more photos if you can take some? The first 3rd of the number.
    I'll keep going but this is the clearest image of the three

  16. At least it looks like an official pop mark number! I thought the ZDM01 as the pre production bikes started with this and had 11 digit numbers - it's intriguing that it looks different at least...
    I'll try again now to see if I can get better images.
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  17. ggg.jpg gg.jpg


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  18. I am sending 6 more - what look the best of about 30 I have just taken - struggling with access and lighting unfortunately....
  19. ZDM01... working on the last part. Proof to follow in email
  20. Thanks for the email Tom - amazing results. It is probably one of the last pieces of the jigsaw to fall in to place and a big one at that! Looking at the frame it looks and feels like 5 numbers so I imagine the final anomalies are as you suspect: paint runs. If not I guess it will be ZDM0101 considering 2 of the 4 Pre Production Prototypes known and confirmed by the Ducati Museum were 11 Digit ZDM01010106 and 09 this fits with all my previous evidence that I have the first hand built 999 prototype. Unfortunately I don't think Ducati will openly admit as they 'don't release' prototypes prior to the pre production 11 digit ones but I feel I have / can prove every part other than the changes made in 2006/7 are prototype parts.
    Thanks again for your photo detective skills! :upyeah:
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