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999 year 2000/01 Prototype - the Evidence...

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Exige, May 22, 2013.

  1. Cheeky, I do that too :p
  2. I will hopefully have an interesting snippet soon relating to the bike, just waiting for some ones permission to post their e-mail :Shy:
  3. I'm some one-you have my permission, publish and be damned !

  4. I cannot I'm afraid, until given the OK :)

  5. Happy to oblige


    Now you gonna publish?
  6. Wait a while will ya, I'll have a response soon - it's from Australia though :Wideyed: so may be tomorrow now :)
  7. Its a great thread and Exige.

    I always wonder about r&d on bikes, when they had the ideas etc.

    Looking forward to seeing the email ;)

  8. Go ahead :)
    • Useful Useful x 1
  9. Very interesting...subbed :)
  10. Argghhh the suspense.........
  11. Well :Nailbiting:
  12. Is it the the dyno chart from the Panigale......?
  13. Nothing yet from down under :smile:
  14. [​IMG]feck knows why they sent it to me?
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Cock Ed :Watching:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. And so...
  17. I found Ian Falloon's ebay account (of Ducati Historical Book Fame) and contacted him regarding my 999 prototype to get his thoughts - I sent my original power point research with all my evidence and explained Ducati had confirmed on the phone but then wouldn't put it in writing.

    Ian said:

    "You have done some great research and a wonderful presentation here. I can tell you what I know. In September 2000 I saw the prototype 999, Terblanche showed it to me and we discussed it in detail. At that stage it was ready to go into production as far as Terblanche was concerned. So there was a significant time lapse between this and eventual production which obviously saw a number of changes implemented. But I wasn't able to photograph it and have no way of comparing the details with the eventual production version as you have. If you want more clarification for your research you need to contact Pierre."

    He goes on to say "I think your summary is spot on, thanks for sharing it. Great stuff".

    Ian is a personal friend of Pierre Terblanche and has been kind enough to give me Pierre's contact details. I can't thank Ian enough for this! :Happy:
    • Like Like x 3
  18. Pierre must have some photo's of the bike,
    I will have to look up Ian falloons book never seen it.
  19. I think the prototype he refers to is the 'Mule' prior to mine which was based on a 998 frame - it is shown the the book '999 Birth of a Legend'
    Ian has written around 30 books on Motorcycles, predominantly Ducati and is the world renowned expert on classic Ducati's.
  20. However, he knows a bit about the 999's ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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