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A cycling discovery...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Brakes are STANDARD mono minis anodized a different colour - not custom made/one offs.............
    Hope have stopped making the mini-monos about three years ago, but they sold tens of thousands......
    Every bike I've owned has never had another one the same as it - they are all rare.......................
    MBUK had the bike assembled from STANDARD parts painted/coloured a different shade...............

    I'm tired of this discussion because you have no comprehension of the terms you are using.............typically thicky behaviour on your part I'm afraid.........you have your conception of the argument but don't understand the nature of it.

    The bike is UNIQUE but not because the parts are "one off" construction, because the parts were chosen precisely for the task. I would also question the value they ascribe to it as well - £3500..................... never.
    Don't forget they are the press and we know what they do with the details.....they make them up to impress people like you, it seems to work..........................
    Every custom build bike I've made falls into the same category. Now please go and read up on the words in question.................you might find some information in a library but probably have no idea what one of them is, so just use google................you can spell that I presume?

  2. I think it's you that doesn't comprehend. One off is a really simple term. I never said they couldn't be reproduced , as in that sense anything that has been made once could be remade. if there is only one in the world of this bike surely its one off? I would continue this battle of whits but your obviously unarmed.

    I never said I'd paid £3500, or that I believed that was its build price. I paid £800 which isn't too bad I reckon for a one off mbuk never to be made again zaskar. ;-)

    Prime example of my previous post. People who work/own in bikes shops think they know everything. Now go and run along to your little shop, touch some Lycra bums and stop being a Internet warrior.

    ps. Don't make my mistake and google rockjock. Good job I didn't hit " I'm feeling lucky" .
  3. Back on thread....now been out a 3 times since xmas and having lowered the front of the seat a little it is far less painful! Although I do have a saddle sore, yep a proper one! But loads of vas and a height which means I dont slide left-right on seat and staying put on climbs makes it bearable!

    ok avg isnt anything to write about yet, but managed a tad over 19 miles this morning, first 10 close to 16mph but mostly flat and last 9 combination of short steep inclines and longer gentler hills and managed overall 13.9. The last 5 miles home into the wind was a killer! And aiming at keeping the pace at a Level I could still have a chat, just, so no heroics

    that 50 mile goal looks well in sight :biggrin:

    loving this bike, and using all the gears makes it so much easier
  4. Very good, but don't get too worked up over the numbers. Adequate rest between rides is also important.

    Get a good pair of cycling shorts, leggings or bib with a pad and don't wear underpants :eek:, the pads are antibacterial and designed to be used on their own, but wash after every ride.

    Saddle height setup is critical. A good starting point is sat on the saddle with your heels on the pedals your legs should be comfortably straight. This means when the balls of your feet are on the pedals at the bottom of the stroke your legs are slightly bent. Stretching or rocking side to side is a big no no, as is having the seat too low.
  5. Spent some time last week getting ergonomics somewhere right and seemed to work. And only ride with appropriate troosers incl commando requirements fufilled ;)

    next outing Sat with a mate, planning 1 longer and 1 shorter session min a week and at gym 3 of the other 5 days

    and 22kmh and 30 kms seems far more impressive....no wonder the cycling fraternity prefer metric lol
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  6. I have a MTB for sale, Bianchi Kuma 5500, pretty good spec and a fantastic frame, I don't tend to ride off road much I tend to use my road bike.

    £600 if any one is interested please pm me for further details.
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