Hate working in a poorly lit garage. I thought 10 downlighters in my new man cave was going to be plenty. Seeing your ceiling I am beginning to wonder, if I ought to tell the builder to include more.
We've nearly 200 all temperature-controlled and we've still not enough really!..you can NEVER have enough light buddy
What do they all do for jobs?....im intrigued now....just curious...im guessing financially based....theyre all lovely cars but...they really dont do anything for me....maybe the audi though...
Probably none of them on the PAYE system. Successful businesses and yeah, finance industry perhaps. Jammy bastards- wish I was clever.
l Let me quash your curiosity buddy...opticians, doctors, surgeons, property developers, hotel owners, restaurant owners, chemists, plant hire owners...these are professions which are predominant to the clients that visit us. ( not had a banker or anyone from the financial industry yet )
Wow... Everything apart from... Funny... I almost went into property development 25 years ago with a plasterer but just at the the time got my first IT job.. Been skint for the last 25 years...
Rob, My cars red and the bumpers are starting to look duller / a different shade to the bodywork, what would bring them back a bit? Cheers
Hi Rob, Any tips on leather seats? I’ve just got a 40000 mile MX5 and the drivers seat has suffered from getting in and out. It’s black with red stitching.
The leather is scuffed on the bolster, like shoes get if you don’t polish them, so needs bringing back to black but preferably without staining the red stitching too. Tricky...
Yep can be done no problem....will need to be refinished....call PVD ( professional valeters and detailers :01285 238617 ) & ask them who is the nearest leather repair detailer to you.....
Making use of the time of being at home I thought I'd polish the van. In certain lights the side panels were badly swirled. Attacked it with the random orbital polisher with a Rupes fine pad and stage 2 Autoglym paint correction, finished off with Bilt Hamber Double Speed wax Always think of @rob lewis when ever the Bilt Hamber comes out