I'd like to see some pictures of the electrics when first fixed as you couldn't use normal PVC twin and earth because that void will get very hot with the sun on it.
Just like chiz is knocking up then really mate eh..... You could get.chiz to finish yours when he has a spare moment.
just seen this. i know i could have worked for you at a lesser rate andi was really looking forward to that!!!! lol.. yea, i draw weekly but am keeping it real as i want some money at the end or at least not to have drawn all monies and still have weeks of work to do.. the best thing is, that although i may not make great money on this i cant really lose money as i will walk and at worst i will be a week out of pocket. well, that and the money i have laid out on plant but ya gotta gamble a lil dont ya?
Dunno how these relate on price point, but they look much less labour intensive. Its like lego for adults.
looks cool. i used to have a contract painting similar back in NZ years ago except they were interlocking planks not short bricks. not sure what the insulation detail is on these but they do look alot easier to construct thats for sure!
thats not me ya donut... thats colin re-cutting the window openings as the windows differed in size to the structural openings on the drawing.
yep, we are ticking along ok ish! the roof sucked a lot more time than we thought it would as some of the panels aint perfect. the top layer of sterling board is slightly offset to the bottom on many so this has thrown the roof out of square a bit which will cause ups probs with the tiles but after a few hours of pulling string lines and head scratching we have it in the ball park now. bit pissed off at having to cut all the window openings 20mm bigger! but colin came up with a cunning plan, drill holes in the plunge saw track and screw it to the wall then saw it max depth from each side. time wasted but it worked well. the roof tiles got delivered but are the wrong color. other than that all is good and apparently they have our next job lined up for us already.