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about cocking time...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. ;)

  2. Is attracting politicians just like the bankers we need to attract......you know the ones that would go elsewhere if we dont give them the renumeration package they command........cos the place would go to rat shit without these people steering us right?.......or did it anyway on their watch.....and they still all took the money......bastids

    ive sat and fed here in this posh 5 star hotel meeting for 8 hours trying to find a way to save money....:rolleyes:
  3. More interesting questions are how much do the proprietors of the Telegraph (the Barclay brothers) spend when they stay in hotels? How much does the editor of the Telegraph spend on hotels? How much do other Telegraph board members and senior editorial staff members spend? Why won't they publish how much they spend? Why should anyone listen to their hypocritical denunciations of other peoples' travel and subsistence claims, when their own T&S claims, and salaries, are (we guess) much higher?
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  4. back to the Nurse then whats she get for working in a inner london hospital?
  5. She gets the pleasure of giving blokes like me a bed-bath.
  6. I have a sneaking feeling that the pleasure would be all yours FE..............

  7. I am sure the owners of the telegraph are interested in such information, as part of running their business, checking the expenditure of the editor, down to the mail room clerk, as they see fit......

    A comparison of a business operating expenses vs a govt expenses against defined rules.....um, yes, valid if that's how you wish to compare apples and oranges.

    P.s. Only you are guessing that they are much higher, not sure on what mandate or who else you speak for, when you say "we" , certainly not me.
  8. Why is this relevant? Picking a particular public sector role based purely on trying to gain sympathy is not relevant to the debate.

    Are nurses somehow special to you that they deserve more than firefighters, soldiers, surgeons, GPs, bin collectors or anything else one can choose as a career?

    In this country, we are given freedom to choose and change careers for the most part. The pay and rations are known and people choose for whatever personal reasons to do that job.

    You may not support more money for the finance sector employees as an example. I'd bet though you still want your 0% loans and credit card switches, your PCP deals and your cheap mortgage but high returning pensions.

    Different pay grades for different jobs have always existed and unless you want a communist revolution that truly follows Marxist doctrine, you're not adding to be debate playing the "nurse" card.
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  9. I'd take a 20k pay drop for pension rights which kick in at 55 giving 2/3rds final salary for 20 yrs service. Where do I sign..
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  10. If you really can afford a £20,000 a year pay drop then why don't you save £20,000 every year towards your early retirement?
  11. I cant...but we all cut out cloth accordingly...and that doesn't count all the other benefits j have to buy myself ;)
  12. I often have to stay in hotels for my work/job, do I get 5 star? Course I don't.
    Does the front bottom of an MD that is constantly pressuring us all to makes savings get his own 5 star hotel suite?
    Course he does....:Muted:

  13. So work your way up to MD position then.!
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  14. Of course.... That was kinda the meaning of the post....:upyeah:
    Life is soooooooooooooo unfair...:Depressed:
  15. Life is a bitch, and then you die.....
  16. But it's not public money and they are not public servants, what they spend on hotel and expenses is irrelevant unless you are a shareholder.
  17. Exactly my point in post 67. :upyeah:
  18. be an MP ......police pension,Teachers holidays, more of them than in the NHS,.....and an expenses scheme to lie for....
  19. Why are you trying to deflect the issue? The staff and owners of the Telegraph, and any other commercial entity can spend their money however they want. Public servants are spending MY money!
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  20. is Pete on a public pension...........:upyeah:
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