Good choice! I wouldn't buy a Ferrari in anything but red and feel the same about Ducati. My Dad is visiting from overseas and has taken my Range Rover for a trip up North today so I'm now able to open the kitchen door and admire my gorgeous bright red Ducati more easily!
Reds good, and I believe it's the true Ducati colour hench my 848 being red. But in my opinion a monster should be different. My first monster was red with red frame, but to be honest I prefer all the other colours better. If it was me, on the evo I'd go for black. Or ask if they will do a red frame with black panels. Heres my latest monster. It's good to be different
Everyone got different opinion! Lol sticking with red, usually buy a new bike every year so will pick another colour next year
If I'd known this was only for 8760 hours I'd never have set finger to keyboard! Just giving you a hard time! :wink:
Now what colour socks should he go for? Poor sole couldn't even decide which thread to post in what chance has he got :tongue:
Dont get me started, after some new kit for the red bike! Cant decide now on leathers, i suppose dainese or ducati branded dainese!
My moto is If your gona get on the boat, go all the way - so if buying a new bike you need everything that goes with it, helmet, gloves, boots, jacket....... Italian wife! Lol