About to be a Ducati newbie - should i?

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Stebinners, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. You won. Changed order to RED
  2. Good choice! I wouldn't buy a Ferrari in anything but red and feel the same about Ducati.

    My Dad is visiting from overseas and has taken my Range Rover for a trip up North today so I'm now able to open the kitchen door and admire my gorgeous bright red Ducati more easily!
  3. Reds good, and I believe it's the true Ducati colour hench my 848 being red. But in my opinion a monster should be different. My first monster was red with red frame, but to be honest I prefer all the other colours better.

    If it was me, on the evo I'd go for black. Or ask if they will do a red frame with black panels.

    Heres my latest monster. It's good to be different
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Everyone got different opinion! Lol sticking with red, usually buy a new bike every year so will pick another colour next year
  5. If I'd known this was only for 8760 hours I'd never have set finger to keyboard!

    Just giving you a hard time! :wink:
    #45 gliddofglood, Jun 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  6. Yeah!!!!!!! 
  7. Red's alright, I suppose...
  8. Now what colour socks should he go for?

    Poor sole couldn't even decide which thread to post in what chance has he got :tongue:
  9. It's a heal if a job but someone has to shoes
    Gotta be....... Black
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Red looks great, but aren't the black ones faster?
  11. I'm confused now,are we on socks high heels or just a new line in bike attire!
  12. Now my socks are always black.
  13. Dont get me started, after some new kit for the red bike! Cant decide now on leathers, i suppose dainese or ducati branded dainese!
  14.  decisions
    You going all black or a bit of everything what colour helmet etc
  15. Black n red maybe dainese
  16. Not really what you'd call impulsive are you Ste.....:biggrin:
  17. Not really! Lol well yes maybe
  18. My moto is If your gona get on the boat, go all the way - so if buying a new bike you need everything that goes with it, helmet, gloves, boots, jacket....... Italian wife! Lol
  19. Are you sure could that be a red no or maybe a black one 
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