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Acoustic foam

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Correct solution....if you stay there, but......as your landlord is not an unreasonable type, I'm sure he would listen to you and allow you to move to another one of his places......

    ....if you get stuck, you can sleep in my woodshed....:wink:

  2. The green glue is best used with acoustic plaster board rather than your regular B&Q type. It's much denser and is specially designed to supress noise. You can mount it on specific rails that allow the whole wall to "float" further killing the noise. Depends how far you need/want to go.
    I used that system as part of my dyno room construction.....it's worth about 8-12dB reduction on top of the rest of the wall structure.
    the floating system has it's down falls though as you can't really hang anything off it, so not practical for a house....
    If you're going to the trouble of doing something, then i'd go for 2" stud, filled with acoustic rockwool, then two layers of acoustic plasterboard and the green glue. The "acoustic" description is the key here...
    Remember though that not all the noise travels thru the wall. Floors, ceilings etc. will all transmit some noise as well......

    Alternatively, just go round and punch her :rolleyes:
  3. Seriously, I'd speak to the landlords first. You never know, they may even help with the costs if they can't help with the noise.
  4. And in terraced houses, the first floor joists normally bridge between the party walls IE across the house.......

    So the punch in the gob will be the best solution.

  5. Would my bikes fit in woodshed?

    I really do not want to move right now.
    I would have to completely redecorate .
    If I move what's to say I move into another problem house :(
    I need another year in this catchment for a decent school place .
    Alot of his stuff is flats .

    The physical side as well..
    Builders in to take up concrete.
    This house is private rental.
    I asked for somewhere that was safe ..
    lots of rents are in crappy areas ( this is not).
    getting somewhere in town that you can park and store bikes is not easy .
    plus I reckon higher rent :(
  6. If I put up the green glue ..
    and do as much as I can.
    Then at least if she kicks off I could say to whoever look I had this put up .. I've tried everything!!!
    If she gets a tug now it may shake her into doing something.

    Shows that I'm not messing about anymore.
  7. Seroiusly either have a word or move. All this faffing around is a waste of time. Or you may be oversensitive ?
  8. And you good sir maybe a knob - or were you offering your services?
    • Like Like x 1
  9. lol, all we can see is someone moaning about the noise from the neighbours. Thanks for the info Char, I do have one. Though I reckon its not the thing for dealing with noisey neighbours. Unless it's shoved in their mouths..............
  10. Over sensitive ?
    yes I'm sure anyone would be after not sleeping for 2 nearly 3 years.
    I don't have the luxury of just moving ....
    I don't have a few grand sitting about to move..
    If it was just me yes it would be easy and I'd do it if I was in a little flat.
    But I'm on my own trying to look after 2 boys ..
    I have to move 5 crates of belongings today and that alone will hurt like hell.
    So a whole house by myself ..
    I'd be in hospital.
    I should be disabled off but I refuse and go to work and do everything I can singlehanded .
    Seriously I would kill to move right now ...
    But at this moment in time I just can't ..
  11. I would have punched her by now
    Or played her at her own game.
    Luckily I have some persuasive friends

    Mel by the time you pay for all this stuff could you not move to somewhere else for now.
    Would your landlord not be understanding enough to not have to decorate?
    You need to do something before your too ill to take care of your family or yourself.
    Nobody is worth putting up with this crap for
    I would be cutting my losses and saving my sanity
    I do feel for you when I was young we lived next door to a noisy neighbour
    My dad had endless fights with him
    But eventually it stopped.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. until there is a consequence for the person creating the noise they have no incentive to stop making the noise

    things you do to lessen the effect on you have no consequence on the person making the noise and they will continue to create noise

    rather than try to lessen the effect son you you need to get THEM to stop creating noise in the first instance

    the only way this will happen is each and every time they create noise there is a consequence for them, unless you acheive this then the problem will continue unresolved until you move house or they move
  13. Mel, those are all just excuses, and pretty poor ones, if the situation is as bad as you describe.

    You wouldn't have to move every box and crate by yourself; if you can't afford a removal service, I'm sure there'd be enough peeps here/FB/UKMOC willing to lend you a hand. And once the house is empty, repainting it in magnolia is a piece of piss.
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  14. Well I would lend a hand not bad with a roller and I'm strong in the arm and thick in the head so handy for moving boxs .
  15. Thank you that's very kind .
    Strong in the arm , thick in the head .... Yet kind in the heart.
    Well the consequence now is she's being investigated.
    If she goes mental at me, tough.

    Funny enough it's been quiet tonight..
    There's a reason why ... She's not daft.
    I'm not even going to re-act to her.

    Paivi it's a months rent and deposit to even move.
    Parking for bikes is a mare to get.
    The house I'm in is perfect .
    That's what she wants..
    I think a scare into sorting herself out may be enough.
    If she chucks a mental well...
  16. Really? You could have fooled me.

    It's clearly not perfect if you've got a nightmare next door neighbour.

    As for the deposit & rent, if you rent from the same landlord, he'll probably waive this, as you've already given him a deposit for your current place. If you go elsewhere, you'll presumably get your deposit back from your current one?

    Parking for bikes is not a nightmare to get, millions of people manage, even with more desirable bikes. I parked my two bikes on the road in Central London (the worst post code for vehicle theft) for six years and there was never any problem. The only time I've had issues with my bikes is now, when my bike's parked in a 'secure' underground carpark. At one point it got so bad I was seriously considering moving them to the street.
  17. Unfortunately it would take a lot more that acoustic foam to solve your problem, I had similar problems with my neighbour but fortunately for me I'm pretty handy and was able to solve my own problem building stud walls, insulation and two layers of 13mm plaster board, this is consider the best option but does decrease the size of your rooms by 5 to 6 inches but is well worth the investment, however in your particular case it would seem uneconomical for you spend this outlay on your rented property and would suggest you either move or contact your local authority who have the powers to act, they would ask you to keep a record of all noise events, they would then follow this up with a letter to the offenders warning that if they continue then they have the power to seize any equipment causing the noise nuisence, however this could take several weeks or months of hassle to get a result, good luck.
  18. Social care have spoken to me and said they will look into it.
    Im hoping it will kick her up the arse.
    Il do my wall .
    If she flips a mental il record her.
    It's only going to make her look worse!!
    If it does not stop then il ask my Landlord about other places and get him to transfer my deposit :)
    il just have to find a builder to break up my concrete and make good before I go .
    The big thing is catchment area..
    I need to stay in it.
    I would no way leave a bike out on the road in this town.
    I had two stolen last time and vechicles being vandalised here is high.
    My old bike was knocked over several times so not an option for me at all .
  19. Oh a friend rang the police and reported the problem .
    Turns out was the officer who came round last time ( she threw a mental )
    I asked her politely to please not leave the baby screaming or at least do what I did and take it down stairs so as not to keep people awake.
    I was polite and said I've been there and used to do that to stop it disturbing the people next door to me.
    So police are now aware ...

    Im not daft enough to hit her as much as its tempting.
    If she laid a finger on me of press charges .
    #39 He11cat, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
  20. Well I sympathise with your situation and it can be very very stressful if not dealt with, but you are right to refrain from what most people would see as provocation and it's hard not to take the law into your own hands even if you get some kind of satisfaction or result. keep going down all the legal avenues you have at your disposal and things may improve for you, the very best of luck :upyeah:
    #40 Barmbyduke, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
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