899 Adjusting Rear Brake Lever Position

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by graeme4130, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Sounds like your having the same problem I had with my 1199. Brake pedal too high and having to lift your foot up to get to the brakes. I tried adjusting the OEM brake lever and to be honest it didnt make a great deal of difference and I still had to lift my foot my which isn't ideal when something jumps out at you and you have to anchor up. I bought some adjustable rotating foot pegs. They helped a lot and meant I was able to move the pegs up and back enough for my foot to be at the right angle to the brake pedal. They're on eBay and are cheap at around £30 a pair. Don't be put off by the fact they come from China, they are very good quality and quick and easy to fit using the existing mounting pins and springs. Make sure you get the rider pegs and not the pillion passenger pegs like in the picture.
  2. If the rod is wound in as far as it will go you will need to shorten it a bit

    Mine bottomed out with a couple of threads still visable
  3. @BIG M thanks I think something like this will be a much better solution as opposed to full rearsets which all only slide forward to extend the depth and may not even be enough and much cheaper!

    @flatstick959 thanks now I know I'm on the right lines I'll give it a go and maybe purchase the plunger if I need to shorten further.

  4. You would only need to take literally a couple of mm off the plunger to make a difference.
  5. Thanks I'll put the plunger down as far as possible and if not enough take a couple MM off with it still fully down so it can come back up if ever needed.

  6. So finally got round to this today and I found for me that I can get it to 90% what I need with it having play and being safe.

    Thanks to everyone for the info and making the back brake usable :)

    For anyone wanting to know exactly what's what, see below -

    Push the brake pedal down hard and loosen the bump stop / real light switch nut and bolt, loosen it above the pedal and wind then it to the top and the bolt down so it can go right up (it makes sense when you are there) -


    That allows the pedal to come up and expose (just about) he rear bolt that holds the plunger / pin for the rear brake -


    Remove that to get the pin out -


    Undo the locking nut on the pin, screw it into itself and tighten the lock nut it again.

    Put it all back to together and adjust the bump stop /rear light nut and bolt to drop the pedal and leave a little free play.

    Mine is fully in and bump stop fully up to give the below which as almost perfect, I could finish it off with less free play but then becomes potentially dangerous and not worth the risk. I can slide my foot forward but slightly up to catch it and can use it happily while Corning if needed to scrub speed off now.


    I have a pin on order and due next week that I can chop off the extra MM's but they are not straight, ans have sections and smoothed off etc so think I will keep it as a spare (cost £1.45 in total) and see how I get on.
  7. Found this thread today, and tried to lower my brake pedal. Found the plunger was already very near the bottom and maybe only managed to screw it in half a turn. Might have a go at taking a few mm off tomorrow and getting it down a bit further. If that doesn't do the trick could you shorten the plunger from the other end, or even get a shorter replacement?
  8. Ended up cutting a few more threads on the plunger, and shortening it slightly. Trouble is now, the threaded bolt adjuster that also operates the brake light is slightly too short, with the cap not wide enough to catch the brake switch if I max it out. I've dialled it back in so it works now, but I'd like to lower it further.

    Anyone know if there's anywhere to get a longer/wider cap threaded bolt?
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