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749 After Lithium Battery Came The Wiring Upgrade

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by DucRod, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. Basic physics / electronics I'm afraid.
    Switch mode power supplies basically turn on for a very short period of time just enough to take a tiny amount of power from the mains.
    The national grid is looking after keeping the mains at a steady voltage, sadly they can't do the same for your generator set on your ducati. Perhaps someone with more horse power than me could look into this.
    Variable geometry rotor? Move the coil into or out of alignment as power is required?
    Water cooled regulators?
    A viscus (variable) coupled rotor to allow them to turn more slowly than the engine speed or just gears.
  2. so if your hand comes out looking like you just stuck it on the grill then it's not working properly..
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Self effacing as always @Chris
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. An "organ of the body" coupling?? It's viscous mate, viscous.
  5. I am paying attention, I'm just choosing to have a different opinion from you Exe. :Finger: I know this does not compute with you, but pay attention and you may have picked up on it. :Finger: :Finger: :Finger: :Finger: :Finger:
    #65 Robarano, Sep 16, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2016
  6. Thanks for the description of a regulator for me (I wondered what that 'big metal thing' was that I had to move the last time I put some main bearings in.) :Bucktooth: You seem very knowledgeable, I saw a big metal bird in the sky today, but don't think it was a bird as it had windows along the side of it. Do you know what it was? :)
    #66 Robarano, Sep 16, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2016
    • Like Like x 1
  7. See, you haven't been paying attention at all :Bucktooth: I merely reported an incident, there is nothing to agree or disagree with. If you take that incident and the resultant factors from it, followed by a thorough investigation by an electronics engineer and a Ducati Dealer technician and pass it off as mere piffle and scaremongering that is your perogativ, my work here is done :Angelic:
  8. A flying train? :upyeah:
  9. No you didn't, you gave advice which I'm deciding to ignore and go with my own opinion. :Bucktooth: I give you exhibits 1&2 my lord. :Watching:

    "I know what I would do. This is not folk law I'm afraid."

    "It is therefore posted as advice for fellow forum members so they can determine the risk themselves. Personally, knowing the results of this incident, I would not fit one myself to a Ducati that was not designed to use one in the first place and I would recommend anyone to take heed of this. :)"

    Now, have you paid attention to that? :p So stick that in your pipe and smoke it. :Bucktooth: My work here is done. :)
  10. Yay! Work done for today! Party time!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. I left work at 1.30, WTF are you going on about anyhoo? :)
  12. Have you taken that battery off yet :Smuggrin:
  13. Nope, I like flying in the face of danger and living dangerously. :Nailbiting:

    Anyway, I'm not playing with you anymore. :mad: I'm off into the garage to fit my Rizoma fluid pots to the Streetfighter. :Hungry: You should take a look at the Streetfighters, the're great. :Woot:
  14. Oh dear, back to work :(
  15. Ahhhhhhhh. That makes sense. Cheers. :)
  16. Ain't that the truth though?
  17. Really :Wideyed: Rizoma :Nailbiting:

    :Writing: They will surely self combust...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. I was worried about that, with being full of highly combustible brake fluid as well, hmmmmmmmm, what to do :Nailbiting: ..................................I know, I'm going to fill them with water instead. Cheers Exe, I can always rely on you for top advice. :upyeah:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. rough with the smoot
    a friend of mine used dish washing liquid in his lil Anglia back n the day... It did work, occasionally. Then he had a big crash. More sound advice in there somewhere....
    • Like Like x 1
  20. No need to reinvent the wheel, surely. Car alternators always have rotors with excited field windings, which can be turned on and off by the voltage control system thus varying the output as required. Bike alternators mainly have permanent magnet field rotors, with no direct way of affecting output, hence the problem you mention, but it would be possible (and actually pretty cheap and simple) to use car-type alternators on bikes. I have owned a few bikes, i.e. some BMWs & MZs, which have actually had excited field alternators; this setup requires a carbon brush & slip ring arrangement, so obviously the alternator cannot run in oil.
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