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Afternoon tea observation...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MADASL, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. My wife prefers ginger nuts - not saying why though cos I'll be in trouble (again) - probably not for the reason you prefer them!!!
  2. I used to like rich T with butter on them, taste better than it sounds......Honest
  3. Best taste in the world, jacket spuds (cooked properly in the oven), butter and salt, covered in baked beans (Heinz of course) and liberally sprinkled with crumbled Stilton. Heaven!!!
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  4. mines a jaffa cake please
  5. yep ginger nuts for dunking followed by custard creams ooh choc chip cookies are good to

    shit this is turning into a shopping list :biggrin:

    pink wafer nooooooooooooooooo wrong on so many levels :eek:

    oh Jaffa cakes never see a cup of tea ...........full moon total eclipse :upyeah:
  6. But can you dunk that :)
  7. What's with all the hate for Fig Rolls? they are the food of the gods! I can demolish a pack without stopping for breath...
  8. Jaffa cakes Yuk !

    Pretty much anything else goes dunked or not :upyeah:
  9. Fig rolls are a cake surely not a biscuit :(
    Those Danish butter cookies ... Retch :(
  10. I always found fig rolls in with the custard creams etc in my Nans biscuit tin so they must be biscuits :smile:
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  11. Since Jaffa cakes are cakes not choc-coated biscuits, they are zero rated for Vat purposes.
  12. ooooh errrrrr...
  13. I'm a big fan of milk chocolate hobnobs myself, but for sheer disappear-in-a-blink-of-an-eye quality, in our house it's Cadbury's chocolate fingers. Don't tend to buy them, but often end up with some as a Christmas pressie. They don't last long.

    The other half is partial to the M&S extra chocolatey biscuits, having moved on since student days of demolishing most of a pack of dark chocolate digestives in an afternoon of study.

    We have an arrangement - he cleans my Monster in exchange for me baking chocolate chip cookies.
  14. I see no mention of these: cafe noir.jpg This is a local biscuit, for local biscuitiers ...

    cafe noir.jpg
  15. Phnarr phnarr...
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