Ali Tank Maker.

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by PHILLIPO, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. After not getting anywhere with tecnorace or any of the uk manufacturers. I sold the bike and got a v2 fighter. Good luck with getting a tank mate.
  2. Emailed them, reply is they don't do it. Beater in Japan don't do the SFS tank either.
    only one who so far has said yes is ETTO but at £2,500 plus an original tank its out of my budget.
    #43 MR479, Oct 6, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2022
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  3. I’ll give him a shout and see what he says. I’ll let you know what he says.
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  4. Fair enough. I've only just bought mine, it's not yours is it?? _IMG_000000_000000.jpg
  5. Riiiiight… it was 3rd time lucky for me with a FullSix carbon fibre tank. The first two leaked immediately. I stuck with it and to be fair Conquest Racing and FullSix were very good with me. Ball ache at the time though.

    And you’re right. The joints are the weak link. My first leaked from the feed pipe and the second was from the ‘grafting in’ around the check valve.
    #46 Fairy Cringe, Oct 7, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2022
  6. Ally tanks look mint :):upyeah:
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  7. Here you are then,not Ducati,but is a nice bit of shiny. DSC_0009 (1).JPG
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  8. This is what was embarrassing. I asked the same thing. Then the 2nd one leaked… :astonished:
  9. Hmm, if the fulsix amazing process isn't that amazing then I'd go with the UK guy.
  10. I want one for my s4rs as I have the dreaded expansion on the original. Not unusable but over time can only get worse. Can’t find one anywhere at a non-madness price.
  11. I believe that price is about right for someone who has no tooling already. You could try he makes lots of custom tanks, but would need an orignal to develop a mould. He using a press moulding method rather than english wheel.
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  12. Thanks I'll drop them an email.
  13. The actual body of the tank and cell were fine. It is indeed a seamless cast. The problems I encountered were the associated fittings (like fuel line and breather) and a ~4” section that captures the check valve. This 4” section is ‘grafted’ in to the fuel cell. As soon as I put fuel in it leaked from the seams. Not ideal….
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  14. Don’t Tamburini Factory make them? I’ve just picked up a 2nd hand one of theirs for my Pani and the quality of workmanship isn’t bad at all.

    2E4BF654-64E4-4995-A1AD-80E7D17D7AC0.jpeg 57C09F61-ABF5-475F-A23F-C36903AB5C8A.jpeg
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  15. Look much better on my garage Queen :p:joy:
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  16. Very nice indeed! Found their website looks like they may have some.. Will drop them an email. Thanks
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  17. Hi, regards the Fullsix, the only tank to leak was the Panigale V4 design (@Fairy Cringe) as this was a new design and he was one of the first to have this new tank there were unfortunately teething issues. The PV4 tank is far more complicated than the SF848-1098 design.

    Since (@Fairy Cringe) resolution we've had zero issues with the V4 tank, it was just bad luck it had to happen.

    If you check out Jerrot Campesi on YouTube he's built many many bikes with Fullsix tanks and we have just finished our second build using a carbon tank on our Streetfighter V4 SVF

    We offer all UK members discounts on many of our brands including Fullsix Carbon.
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  18. Unless you know the manufacturing process you shouldn't assume how it's made. You will be amazed how they produce their tanks, unfortunately I cannot go into detail as it's a trade secret but by their process their tanks are stronger than alloy and 30-40% lighter.

    "The Fullsix R&D department has made a huge leap in fuel tank production. Even the carbon fiber fuel tank has all the benefits of the original fuel tank, but it can contain approximate 0.5 litters more fuel. Manufactured using proprietary Autoclave Composite Monocoque (ACM) technology, the fuel tank is about 30 - 40 % lighter than the original one. This unique design solves a major issue that deterred motorcyclists from purchasing carbon fiber fuel tanks in the past: two-piece fuel tanks were prone to leakage when the seams wore out, rendering the tanks unsafe. Seams were also unsightly and detracted from the appearance of the bike. FullSix One-Piece Fuel Tanks solve these issues so you do not have to worry about safety or appearance."

    It wasn't down to pressure testing it was due to a chemical reaction between the type of silicone/glue they had to use on the PV4 tank. Now that is resolved and there is no issue. As mentioned before the PV4 tank is a very difficult tank to manufacture.
    #59 Conquest Racing Ltd, Oct 20, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
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  19. No mate. Mine was black. I’ve got to say that the new V2 has totally suppressed me. Big improvement in handling.
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