agreed, but the only theory that ive ever heard was Stephen Hawking, who has put forward the hypothesis that the universe may contain 'worm holes' based on some of his research..essentially this a 'tunnel' through the fabric of space and provides a sort of celestial short cut..i think he said that the speed of light could increase but dont quote me... lets say it took just 100 light years to get to us and they could be cryogenically frozen or whatever, or they lived for 1000 years..they would still be taking a huge punt on seeing where the worm hole goes unless it was an interstellar M1 (in which case it would probably be coned off into a single), and they would need sufficient desire and motivation for exploration..and if all this were possible, then why not sent out a probe first (which could be a UFO)..or if they have that sort of technology, id imagine they'd have a pretty fkn good telescope..and if that we the case, they'd end up watching corrie.... i think life is probably 99.9% certain given the enormity of the universe and the billions of solar systems, intelligent life very likely, intelligent life that would have the technology to make them appears as gods to us? probably...the capability of travelling through interstellar space?? maybe several light years?? possibly..and getting to earth??? hmmm dunno...but if they did, whose to say they didnt rock up 2.5 billion years ago and witness the primordial ooze and think..'what a day this will become bradford'....
agreed, but the only theory that ive ever heard was Stephen Hawking, who has put forward the hypothesis that the universe may contain 'worm holes' based on some of his research..essentially this a 'tunnel' through the fabric of space and provides a sort of celestial short cut..i think he said that the speed of light could increase but dont quote me... lets say it took just 100 light years to get to us and they could be cryogenically frozen or whatever, or they lived for 1000 years..they would still be taking a huge punt on seeing where the worm hole goes unless it was an interstellar M1 (in which case it would probably be coned off into a single), and they would need sufficient desire and motivation for exploration..and if all this were possible, then why not sent out a probe first (which could be a UFO)..or if they have that sort of technology, id imagine they'd have a pretty fkn good telescope..and if that we the case, they'd end up watching corrie.... i think life is probably 99.9% certain given the enormity of the universe and the billions of solar systems, intelligent life very likely, intelligent life that would have the technology to make them appears as gods to us? probably...the capability of travelling through interstellar space?? maybe several light years?? possibly..and getting to earth??? hmmm dunno...but if they did, whose to say they didnt rock up 2.5 billion years ago and witness the primordial ooze and think..'what a day this will become bradford'....
infinite means in-finite...not finite..without end, without borders....almost like travelling around a helix or fkn big ballon with no sides or outside... effs sake..
i think im right in saying that most cosmologists summise that there is no void as is created by the expansion...this has been theorised since that famous pic from Hubble where it looks back 13 billion years...the galaxies are arranged almost like a ring and theyre tightly clustered...they pointed the telescope at the most featureless, black, empty part of the sky and took a long exposure (over days or weeks) and when the picture was returned (from Jessops i think) was teeming with galaxies..this is how they 'looked back in time'....(i would have just used a de'lorean).. when they go back through less time the galaxies have moved away....the colours and microwave energy changed..hubble called this the red shift...they have also made a map of the universe 'looking back in on itself'...i think Cox shows it on one his docs... my brothers a clever bastard and has a degree in quantum physics..i'll ask him...if anything, he's a bigger know-all than i am, but not as good looking.
oh i forgot to mention that those worm hole things, essentially alter ive got a cpl of his books, i'll have a gander.
Well I will join in. Long time ago I seen an article, tried to find it now but can not however found this. It seems faster then light is possible and apparently NASA is kind off experimenting with it. Until recently energy was an issue that made it impractical: NASA Starts Work on Real Life Star Trek Warp Drive and Warp Drives Might Be More Realistic Than Thought | Wired Science | Theory: Alcubierre drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia What if little green man already found a way thousands of years ago. By now they could have improved on it.... Obviously they did crappy job of Klingon stealth or have some Italian style quality control issues. Hence few spotting's when stealth was down.
I think the technical term is 'infinite and bounded'. I prefer the prospects of the infinite improbability drive myself based upon the concept of the multiverse. Look out for Vogons any day soon.
The assumption being that an alien concept of "time",is the same for them as it is for us: A light year for us may be only a "day",for them.(I 'm using the term day purely to represent a portion of time,their lives may not be measured by a day as we understand it) If we have no knowledge of any life form outside this planet,their lifespan may be thousands,or millions,of years. On our planet,there are insects that have a very short lifespan,(compared to us),and animals that live considerably longer.IF space is infinite,then the variety of "life" forms will be infinite. When I were a lad,Teacher said that because man has a finite brain,we cannot imagine infinity,(he used to make us try to imagine it).And because it cannot be imagined,science will always search for a concept that they CAN imagine.And so endless mathematical theories are put forward,that "fit",for a little while,and are then replaced by a more fashionable concept.Man just isn't that clever,I'm afraid,no matter what some people may claim...
like, have you, like wondered dude..that we could be like, you alien colony, or experiment dude? and this, this whole know...the universe could be a spec of dirt...sorta under the fingernail of some giant entity..? pffffftt...
I'm sure someone wrote a book about looking for intelligent life on earth. May have been Attenborough. Not sure if he found any.
I too believe intelligent life is out there. To form our opinions we have to listen to all the experts and there theories. Brian cox did a program recently and in it he said that all the elements known to man have been found we won't find anymore. Now if the Big Bang theory is true the universe started from one point. So if life exists on other planets it hasn't had a head start on us not by much anyway. Looking at how long it's going to take us to get to there planet I doubt if they have been here.i would think the first thing we see will be a probe if we can spot it amongst all the crap we have put in orbit .
Knowing a bit about communications, antenna theory, propagation etc etc I can safely tell you all that every signal that is radiated from this planet is traveling out into space. Signal meaning anything that manipulates the electromagnetic spectrum. There for if we were to draw up a STAP of signals leaked from the first to current taking into account of energy levels, time/distance, screening of planets etc, we would have a accurate map of where mans "influence" has reached. We could cross reference that with now know "Goldilocks" planets that may have intercepted our signals. Now some like us, may just be able to listen out for, like SETI, but there could be those that could act upon. Even if it was to come to earth to vaporize the cast of Geordie Shore and TOWIE and tell the planet Earth to stop making shit TV. "we could just about bear another series of Big Brother, but Earthlings, please stop making crap reality TV, we want more of Only Fool`s and Horses" But for those who say the chances of an intelligent life form finding us is low, actually its higher than you may think as we have already and continue to put the ground work in, as all the time our planets signals continue to travel out and there is nothing that we can do to reverse that. So if they are there, they will hear of us. Of course, the flip of that is, why havent we heard them? True.....just because we havent heard them doesnt mean they havent heard us.
Our planet is much younger than the universe. Stars form, go through their cycles, and end. This happens repeatedly. The matter we and the Earth are made of has gone through previous cycles in previous stars. The planets around other stars must be of many different ages. So sorry no, life forms elsewhere may be a lot more or less mature than here.
Life has existed on our planet for well over 3Billion years with more complex life forms turning up over 600million years ago, in that time there have been a number of massive events such as the "Dinosaur Killer" asteroid strike, if the last one hadn't happened then there could be a reptilian civilisation on Earth 65 million years further down the development path than we are now. As far as UFOs go, I take Goody's advice and look at this logically. They seem to have appeared in the past when we as a race were less sophisticated and were detected by peasants, cavemen and artists with no frame of reference to describe flying machines, astronauts, natural phenomena, strange clouds or bizarre natural occurrences. Since the widespread use of radar, mobile phone cameras and Television they have been noticeable mostly by their absence. No, can't see a logical answer there at all If I were a member of a vastly advanced civilisation capable of travelling interstellar distances I would not waste my time appearing in front of stone age cavemen and medieval artists. I also wouldn't bother kidnapping some toothless drooling inbred from backwoods Kentucky and shoving a probe up his arris. I'd probably either observe from a distance or land in Times Square New York in a blaze of light. Yes there probably is life out there. No they probably haven't come visiting.
According to Wikipedia (and the references on Wiki can be followed to more definitive sources) there's 5 "goldilocks" planets within range of our transmissions, number 6 is 600 light years away, they should just about be hearing Marconi sending morse code by 2487.
the earth is a young planet, a mere 3.7 billion years'ish...the universe is estimated to be about 13.7, therefore, other planets may be much older, orbiting around a much larger dying star...even if a planet were just 1 billion years older, and orbiting in the 'goldie locks' zone, thats still 1 hell of a jump on our planet has suffered from several mass extinctions, and an unstable climate...all supposition of course.