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Aliens and UFO...everyone has an opinion so here`s a question for all to read!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Goody, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. What about military pilots that have been "buzzed" .
    I know when my ex was working in the engine shop / pilots got buzzed in suffolk.
    Told to shut up about it.
    What was described is a buzz by some thing.
  2. Infinity.jpg

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  3. What about military pilots that have been "buzzed" .
    I know when my ex was working in the engine shop / pilots got buzzed in suffolk.
    Told to shut up about it.
    What was described is a buzz by some thing.

    Foo fighters, originating back to ww2. Many accounts from military pilots have been published. Food for thought..........
  4. Sorry mate :)
    Those are a lot of possible explanations but none that fit. Maybe you could use a couple for a few minutes of what I saw but not the whole time, and even then, id still say no. But TBH if someone else told me, id be skeptical and other up all sorts of far out explanations.

    Think of it like this. One day in the near future you happen to be walking through the woods in a secluded spot where no one ever goes. And then you see it.......stephen hawkins is out of his chair practicing his dance moves to audition for a spot in Diversity! You run home immediately to tell ya mates. No-one believes you but you did see what you saw.

    Iv seen some blatant fake ufo vids and I think, shocking! but there are some that beggers belief. I would only believe a story whole-hearted if I was there, knew the person well or saw video footage so I could make my own mind up.

    And twenty minutes is not really that long, And it was from watching the plane from right of arc to left of arc in the sky. Also.....it was about 14 years ago so maybe it was 19 minutes.:smile:
  5. Sorry what planet are you from?
  6. Goody, there are several inconsistencies in your report, mainly about height, speed and time, but what you saw was probably an inflight refuelling of a jet from a tanker.

    I saw an E3 Sentry closely trailed by 4 jets fly over my house in Scotland and it looked pretty wierd, with the big radome above it, until I looked with binoculars and identified what I was seeing.

    Just because we can't identify what we see doesn't make it extraterrestrial.
  7. There will be at least one that fits and it won't involve ET.
    Just because you can't identify what you think you saw doesn't mean there's no explanation.
  8. John FFS, incosistentcies? in what way, it wasnt at 35,000 feet, it was on approuch to an airport, they slow down from cruising speed but still go bloody fast. it was close enough to clearly see the engines on the wings but you couldnt make out detail. The object was approx the size of one of its engines.

    To clarifiy, picture a a fly in the summer buzzing around a cup cake that you are holding, this is how the obect was moving around the plane.

    what didnt you get by my saying it was a PASSENGER PLANE? they dont do in air refueling and not on approach to the air port.


    You know, I dont believe you saw 4 jets over your house trailing an E3, I think it was more likey pigs, but if you want to explain it in detail Il still think your mistaking it for confetti that floated by from a near by church.
  9. Goody.

    So it was on an approach into an airport going 'bloody fast' and you had it in view for 20 mins ?????

    Tankers look just like passenger planes from a distance, because they are converted passenger planes.

    Which is more likely, I saw and E3 trailed by 4 jets or you saw on object from somewhere other than this planet.
  10. I believe in Nessie and if you mock me il come bite your ankles !

    Anyway they made an ET sequel .

    There has to be something smarter then a pile of water, neurones and nerves driven by hormones out there ?
    We are such dumb creatures we will end up blowing each other up no doubt one day :p

    Anyway ....
    The new ET sequel sit down shut up and eat your popcorn or else !! :p
    #110 He11cat, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014

  11. How do you know it won't involve me? :tongue:
  12. A plane in the air compared to a car goes bloody fast. I wasnt privy to know its air speed, but it was in flight so its going pretty bloody fast. as it was coming into the city and heading toward the airport, its safe to say it was on an approach. altitude, again I dont know but as Im trying to paint a picture, I can only describe how it looked and how much detail I could see to gauge a distance. Its called bracketing. We use it to judge distance in the military. So as it was approx the size of an engine we`d be looking at a micro-lite to a small fixed wing.

    Lets say it was a tanker. Why was it banking straight up when it was coming into the airport/city airspace, there was no planes it needed to avoid and if it did, it wouldnt have done a move like that and the job of the air traffic controler is to talk to craft to stop that needing to happen, especially over a city why and how was a micro-lite. Because you werent there, your assumptions are more ill founded than mine when I say, it wasnt natural by means that it wasnt man made, be it the scenario or the craft.
    And im just taking the piss cos if you can tell me that what I saw was bollocks or air air baloons etc then I can do the same to you. Like I cant prove what I saw, nor can you.

    Anyways, out of then many that have read this only a couple want tell me that I saw seagulls and ballons blah blah blah, well it is not what happened so lets leave it at that.
  13. ydkm.jpg

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  14. FBI Investigating Mysterious Drone Spotted By Jet Pilot Above New York City

    Could this be the answer
  15. I remember the film "ET - the Extra Testicle". Is that you, El T?
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