Home - Moon Landing Hoax Truth "Saying that man never went to the moon is like saying we never discovered America" - Professor Brian Cox
I say. You rotter. ompus: I only ignore those spam posts. :Spam: As for aliens, were either unique or ubiquitous. But with the distances involved I think separation is pretty much guaranteed. Anyway UKIP would burst a blood vessel if they had to moan about Johnny Moonman and the tourists from Mars too. Those insular inbreds would go catatonic at the thought of all the ghastly aliens getting housing benefits and claiming disability allowance due to our severe 1g gravity. Its hard enough for them to read through their daily propaganda pamphlet, the mail, without hurting their tiny brains and becoming furious at things that have no concern to them other than their need to be furious. Aliens arriving would have them reaching for their copies of Mein Kampf to hold to their bosom faster than a Yorkshireman congratulating himself.