Have you ever thought (hang on cancel that) they may have landed there on emergency and just saved the life of one of your family or someone else's………………..or indeed put their own life at risk for some one else and their cooked up life?
I worked on Portcullis House. As did hundreds of other private sector workers. We all got paid and then we used this pay to pay taxes. Mind you, if it burns down because someone fecked up the sprinkler pump room i'm outta here.
Not very likely, no. If it was occasional, you could understand it. But it's every day and not just one vehicle - maybe eight, all parked up all over the place. Makes you wonder why they're always parked near the station. Do they need so many vehicles? Are they doing anything at all? I'm not saying that every station or every force is the same, or that every Police(person) is lazy - I know two Met and you. All of you seem to work a lot harder than I'm doing now, and I would bet that all of you have seen things I don't want to see and done things I wouldn't want to. But disregarding the law is wrong, no matter who you are. The point I was trying to make earlier was that, to me, it doesn't matter if you're misusing 20p or £10m. It's wrong.
I don't think either Pete of Glid said it was untrue, rather that some government expense is necessary for refurbing in the same way that any house, office etc needs refurbing from time to time. Nothing wrong with the government spending the money wisely whether it is £100 or £100 billion. The other main point being made was that the Mirror and Mail may not be the best starting point for factual and accurate info. If all the money was spent on a chandelier then we are all entitled to be pissed off but if the total cost covers office buildings of millions of square feet and went on providing facilities most of us would agree are fair such as heating, fire escapes and so on, then I don't think anyone can complain. I`ve not read either paper to check. Regardless of that both papers are tat but that does not mean they are always wrong , you know the old saying " Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day."
funnily enough you have said that and the point i was making is that its not the same though both wrong the bigger the wrong doing the bigger the crime…….thats even how the courts work apparently…like comparing a shoplifter to Nick lesson which funnily enough On this day: Barings Bank trader Nick Leeson jailed - The Scotsman
OK, I think we're in agreement. In your case above, he destroyed the careers and lives of many people over the world. His punishment matched the impact to the crime.
Absolutely. The story isn't that £10m has been spent on an office refurbishment. Given a big enough office, this is not such a huge quantity. No one is disputing this. The story is that £10m has been wasted refurbishing an office to a unjustified luxurious standard which is totally uncalled for given the cuts that everyone is having to endure. And my simple point is that there is no evidence that this is the case. Just because they bought a couple of designer chairs - what does that prove? It may be the case, but there is no particular reason to suppose it is.
Having also just done an online Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act CBT Module the only question I have is was a government official bribed in any way ?
Are you implying there was some extra tarmac which found it's way onto someone's driveway ? Sounds like a conspiracy to me .
Not just the Tories ....... WELSH LABOUR Or when it was New Labour ........£130 million refurbishment bill for Jack Straw's new offices - Telegraph Prescott's posh carpet's .......BBC News | UK POLITICS | Prescott carpeted over luxury decor The waste of millions of pounds by each and every Government changing decors , furniture , signs , letterheads or the names of departments is hardly news .
I think you're all missing the point......WhyTF are they putting "designer" furniture in the Big Brother house
What does designer mean in this instance? All furniture has been designed by a designer at some point whether it is bought from DSF, John Lewis or wherever. Very easy to point the finger and criticise but without any real context it is all meaningless.
It's hardly news that 40 year-old buildings sometimes have to be refurbished, or that old furniture sometimes has to be replaced, or that maintaining large complex buildings costs millions of pounds. Nor is it news that redecorating Grade 1 Listed buildings has to be done to high standards and is expensive. Opposition criticism of government expenditure and silly-season stories written by gullible journalists about it, have always been with us and probably always will be. Any kind of expenditure is traditionally referred to as "waste" in these stories.
Bollocks......I knew I should have paid attention in English at school And to make it worse, I had to look up how to spell parentheses :frown:
Lol its the only english i know...having worked with a pedant who used to talk like 'open parentheses Collar close parentheses' like he was dictating some great work of art